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Friday, 16 December 2011

All i want to do is be more like me, & less like you..

Cardigan- New look
T-Shirt- Primark
High-Waisted Skinny Jeans- Primark
Hat- Primark

Just thought id do this little OOTD even though it is not todays outfit, I've just had this picture for a while now & not yet used it! Most of this outfit comes from Primark, and it is just a simple and comfy one! I do think that Primark are actually stepping up their game at the moment as they have quite a few nice things in, even if they have started to put their prices up!
Its started to snow where i am today, I'm not sure if it will stick or not as the roads are still a bit wet from the previous rain we have had... but all in all so far it is trying its best! My car is covered in snow bless it!
As we all know it is now officially the christmas countdown, wooo! I aren't really feeling very festive at the minute, as from tomorrow through to next Saturday which is actually christmas eve, i have a lot of shifts at work to do including a lot of late nights... and I'm only getting christmas day off, booo! Im sure by the end of my shift on christmas eve i will be ready for that yummy christmas dinner :)

Hope you all enjoy this last week before christmas... enjoy the snow if you fortunate to get it!

Thursday, 15 December 2011

A touch of pink..

Hello lovely's... Long time no see! Im back and I'm hoping you will love this post as much as i love the purchase I have done the post on! I'm sure most of you will of been watching, X Factor! It has now finished for the year! Little Mix won... Not too sure on my feelings about this as i really wanted Amelia Lily to win, but I'm sure she will go on to do amazing and i still wish Little Mix well! Anyway, if you were watching you may of noticed Amelia Lily wearing a beautiful pink faux fur coat as she did a gig at her home town... If not here she is wearing it.

I fell in love with this coat instantly, and i was on a mission to find it! I new that Topshop (what i thought at the time) did a similar one in grey and also in a blue/green colour, but i had no idea they did this beauty! After a successful trip to the Trafford Centre i was browsing around as you do thinking can i not just win the lottery to buy the whole of this shop! ... Then i saw it in the corner of my eye!

This coat costs £95 ... Im not sure if it is avaiable online but obviously you can check here ... I adore this coat, the colour is just like a faded pink and it is so so warm. It has two pom pom balls that hang from the hood, and fastens via duffle pegs. Defo one of my best purchases from Topshop, and I'm sure is on a lot of peoples Christmas wish list!

                                                          Are you a fan of faux fur? xxxxxxx

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