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Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Lets get tanned with Cocoa Brown 1hr tan! Part 1!

Hello there! This is my official return to blogging after many months of hiding away.. I'm not going to go into any boring details or give any pledges that I promise to blog every day for the rest of my life, I'm just going to say thanks for sticking around.. & I hope you enjoy my upcoming posts :) This first post is on a product I have recently purchased, and will come in two parts, this being the 1st, the results being the 2nd!

So everyone that knows me knows my love for a good fake tan. I don't like sun beds or agree with them (my personal opinion- & I totally understand people have different views) so I tend to use a fake tan to bronze myself up… Lets face it we all feel a little better with a tan, right?
I've used many different tans in the past which I've loved, ranging from St Tropez, Lauren's Way, St Moriz, etc… but after spotting this recently on the social network that everyone loves: Twitter.. My thoughts grew more curious for this product (product can also be found on Facebook).

Cocoa Brown  by Marissa Carter is new to me, but after following them for a while on Twitter and seeing many happy customers, & also following them on Instagram, I saw something which amazed me! I spotted Millie Mackintosh had popped a photo on her Instagram wearing Cocoa Brown tan, and her before and after pictures were amazing!! I just knew I had to try out this product straight away.
I know Cocoa Brown stock in many high street shops and of course online, but my first port of call was Primark as I had seen that they now stock in in many of the Primark stores. Unfortunately my local Primark don't stock this at the minute, and so I ventured to the next place; Superdrug!

I finally found the tan sitting waiting for my on the shelf in the tanning isle, I was so happy! I chose the 1hr tan which is a mousse as I just prefer mousse tans. First of all I LOVE the packaging, its bright pink… WOW! Pink means one thing- girly!! I was then so shocked at the price. After hearing about this tan I never researched the price as I expected it to be along the normal price range of £10-£20… As I knelt down in Superdrug to pick up my tan and gazed at the price tag I was so shocked: £7.99! You can find the link here for this product online at Superdrug or find it in-store. What a fab price for a tan, and for a 150ml bottle I don't think you can go wrong! So happy I took it straight to the till, paid & headed home. Here I am a few days later ready to try this product out!


So what is Cocoa Brown tan? On the back of the packing it states '… Beautifully bronzed, radiant skin in just 1 hour!' Perfect… a tan for when your in a hurry! You can wash this tan off in just one hour for an instant effect, or 2 hours or 3 for a darker shade of tan. I personally will just leave it on over night but its good that it takes an effect after a short amount of time! Cocoa Brown 1hr tan states that it has 'accelerating ingredients' making for a 'speedy self tan… in a rich cocoa brown colour in just 1 HOUR' One the tan is washed off it claims to 'last between 5 and 7 days'. Also Cocoa Brown claims to have 'NO fake tan smell' as it includes a 'floral Tahitain Gardenia scent'. The tan is 'moisturising and kind enough to be used on both face and body… [and] tan continues to develop after rinsing'.

So today I woke up, did the normal shower prep & got myself ready to try out this tan! I use just a Solait self tanning mitt to apply the tan with, the one I have used today is from Superdrug also & can be brought in-store or online for £3.49. Im not going to mention any details just yet about smell, texture etc as that will be coming in part 2 of this post tomorrow once the tan has developed!

So using my tanning matt I have applied my first ever lot of Cocoa Brown 1hr Tan! So now I plan on relaxing for the rest of the day and await some hopefully amazing results! I shall be posting the 2nd half to this post tomorrow once the tan has set, Please come back to see the results!!

Cocoa Brown  can now be found in many different stores or on-line at shops like Superdrug, Boots, Primark, Cocoa Browns official website, & more.

You can find out more about Marissa Carter's Cocoa Brown by clicking on the following links!

Don't forget to check back tomorrow to find out my results!! See you soon!


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