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Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Lets get tanned with Cocoa Brown 1hr tan Part 2!

So its time for the second part of my post on Cocoa Brown 1hr tan! I have woken up this morning sooooo lovely and brown, which obviously brings a smile to my face! If you didn't see the first part to my post on this fake tan you can read it here.

 I mentioned this briefly yesterday in the first part of my post, but the first thing that I love about this product is the pink packaging, it is just so girly and instantly makes me want to get into a pamper session! Everyone loves a bit of pink, right? The next thing that I mentioned was the amazing price of £7.99… You really can't go wrong can you?! Right lets move on to the best bit… discussing my thoughts from applying it right through to washing it off and revealing my Cocoa Brown tan at its best colour!

Please find below a few 'before' pictures… I apologise for the pasty images you are about to see!

As you can see here I was extremely pale and obviously in need of some sunshine which is quite hard with this uk weather at the minute, and so turning to fake tan was a must! So what were my first thoughts upon applying Marissa Carter's Cocoa Brown 1hr tan? 

As I mentioned in part one of this post I chose the mousse version which is a 1hour tan. You can wash this off either after 1 hour, 2 hours or 3 for a deeper colour… I chose to leave mine on over night due to being so pale but thats just my personal preference! The first thing you notice about this tan is the actually mousse… boy that stuff comes out fast! I was quite shocked upon trying to apply this tan as I didn't expect the mousse to be so full and fast! You really don't need to press on this bottle hard when trying to get tan out of it as it is literally like a can of squirty cream… it explodes full of mousse! This is a good thing I think though as it obviously means you are using less as it is so full! The tanning mousse is not thick, it is quite lightweight id say which is much better as when it is on I didn't feel sticky or heavy- Im not sure if you have ever felt like that after applying a fake tan but just sometimes after applying some its felt quite mucky- with this it was the complete opposite, I was really pleased!

The next thing I noticed is the smell. How many of you have had experiences with a fake tan where people just constantly moan that you "smell of fake tan", or they see that you now have a bit of colour on you and just assume that any smell nearby is your tan.. hands up, its happened to me! Well no more girls, this is a tan which I can honestly say gives off no oder, and certainly not a stinky fake tan smell! This Cocoa Brown tan claimed on the bottle to have "NO fake tan smell" and it certainly sticks to its word! Really impressed with this. Usually after applying fake tan I can smell it for the duration that it is left on and seen as I leave it on over night I can usually smell it when I'm in bed, but with this I was still able to have a great nights sleep! I also want to point out that it did not transfer on to my sheets which is a bonus!

This tan was so easy to put on because of how durable the mousse is, it literally just glided on with no problem, and NO PATCHES! Yay! So like Ive said above I chose to leave it on over night. Of course during the night I could see it progressing and turning into a nice colour. Here are some photo's of the tan developing over the evening after being applied. 

(Please excuse the mark on my onesie, I didn't spill anything its from Vicks which stained it!! It is clean don't worry! :))

So as you can see from above it was already turning into a lovely colour. For £7.99 I was really impressed as its just such good value for your money, and lets face it product prices are rising and things are becoming so much more expensive these days, I struggle to pay for top branded products at the best of the time, but knowing great products like this Cocoa Brown tan are in the high street at affordable prices like this makes me happy!

So I guess you'd like to see the colour once id woken up and showered it off? (Remember on this shower it is important to "NOT use shower gel or exfoliate during this shower" as it states on the bottle to avoid loosing any colour. Here are a few pictures for you!

(sorry about the bag in the background)

As you can see its left me with a lovely colour, and doesn't look like I've become an orangatang! I love it and would recommend it to anyone who is interested in having a lovely subtle tan.

So, what are your thoughts on this tan? Have you tried it? Would you be willing to try this out now seeing some results and hearing my opinion? 

Cocoa Brown tan is available to buy following my links or your own online search at their website online or in most high street shops such as Superdrug and Boots (others are available).
Go on, take the plunge… Life's much better with a tan!

You can find out more about Cocoa Brown following the links below:

I hope you liked this post! Keep reading for many more! See you soon…


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