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Monday, 28 October 2013

9 Instagram highlights.

So like most of you i am a lover of Instagram. I love taking photo's and publishing them on there. You can find me at Heres a little sneak peek at my Instagram week.

From left to right…
1. Fluffy cosy star jumper (Ark Clothing) & leggings. This is todays OOTD. Its pretty crap weather outside, day one of my holiday & I'm having a lazy day sorting out a few finances from home. This jumper is a recent buy and i love it! Its so cosy and is keeping me nice and warm :)
2. Dark living room with lit pumpkins. This was very late last night after getting back from a roast & wine party! Clearly a bad idea lighting candles before you go to bed when your intoxicated, don't try this at home! I had a lovely evening with great company.
3. Pink flower tea-light holder. I brought this from Tesco a few months back from the clearance isle for like £1.00, what a bargin! I love having this lit as its just so pretty and makes me feel happy.
4. Big orange pumpkins. So here i have done what most of you will of/will be doing- carving pumpkins. I didn't really know how to carve mine and i felt that looking on google for pictures of pumpkins was cheating, therefore i just got on with it and went with two simple designs. This was a fun day :)
5.Clothes from Ark! So on Saturday as a surprise i was taken to good old Manchester! I spent most of the day window shopping dreaming of things that id like to buy. I did however get treated to the 3 items on this picture which i am in love with! I will probably do a haul post of these items so stay tuned! I love Ark as its such a trendy shop and everything is at an affordable price. I don't have one close by so Manchester is my closet store! You can find Ark online, on TwitterInstagramFacebook & more!
6. "Expectation is the root of all heartache" (William Shakespeare). This is just a little picture i came across whilst i was on the internet.. pretty self explanatory!
7. Candles, candles & more candles. If you didn't know by now i love candles. I think theres nothing nicer and more relaxing than a candlelit room! This was a very chilled out evening!
8. A beautiful and yummy cupcake! I came into work and found this waiting for me on my desk. It was baked by a lovely friend of mine. Yummy Yummy Yummy.
9. Selfie- just the usual selfie here!

So there we have it, my 9 Instagram highlights!
Enjoy :)

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