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Sunday, 15 April 2012

Its been a while...

First of i just want to thank my followers for sticking with me even though i have not blogged for almost a month. If you saw my previous post back at the end of March, you will know how i was feeling about blogging. From having time away from it i have actually missed it. Part of me thinks why should i stop blogging when i really like to write and enjoy it as a hobby. 

From this i have made the conclusion that i am going to return to blogging, and I'm going to try and be better than ever!

I have a few ideas of posts that I'm going to do.. but if any of you have any that you would like to see, or any feedback for me to take on board; i would happily appreciate it!

Im also going to be doing some changes to my blog so keep an eye out ... I think a name change is in order!

Watch this space lovely bloggers....

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