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Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Hair Colours

Hello bloggers! This is my third blog of the day... yes i think I'm addicted already. I just thought I'd blog about hair colour's, as if your like me ... well every colour is just beautiful! My original hair colour is blonde, but after a quick unthoughtful move i dyed it dark chocolate brown. Then i decided to be daring and dye it jet black! After a few weeks i cried that much because it just did not suit me at all! I went through a lot of pain and bleach to get my hair back to a blonde'ish colour within 2 weeks! It cost me so much money and was just a nightmare. I had bright ginger hair, fluorescent yellow... but then i went to Ibiza for 2 weeks and the sunshine helped to tone down the yellowness.
Anyway after about 6 months it seems i had not learnt my lesson! My hair was finally getting back to how it originally used to be, and then i went and dyed it a dark ash blonde, and after this i tried what i expected to be a mahogany colour. This turned out really wrong and i ended up with a black fringe and sides and the rest was a mix between dark brown and red! I could of cried!
Thankfully i have managed to get my hair back to blonde now and its still healthy as i have only had it done via a full head of blonde foils where as last time i lost so much hair from having full head dyes and toners!
Hair colour's are beautiful, but i think i can safely say i have now learnt my lesson, and i will be sticking with blonde hair from now on.. So girls if your thinking of changing, just make sure you can live with it if you do it because if you don't like it it is so much hassle!

Race for Life

Cancer has effected my family quite a lot since I left high school. My mum has had Cervical cancer and managed to fight it, & my Dad recently passed away with Bone & Lung cancer. Also my close auntie died of Lymphoma cancer, and I have another auntie & uncle who have fought off cancer. 
As we all know, this is a disease that effects so many people. It is important that doctors keep on looking for new cures so that one day maybe just maybe this disease will be no longer a problem. 
This year I have decided to join the girls and do Race for Life 2011. I have currently raised £260... My target was originally £100, & now £200.
I would be so happy if anyone would like to sponsor me, or just donate to Cancer Research UK. 
Together we could make this change.

Scrub Scrub Scrub...

So a wonderful blogger suggested this Scrub and I was keen to try it out. 'The Pink Cow Strawberry Sundae; A Very Wild Body Scrub'. 
This product retails at £1.49 from Boots, very very cheap and it contains quite a lot; 225ml. Once I opened this up to smell it I was amazed! The smell is such a beautiful smell, and justify's what it says on the bottle as it smells just like a strawberry sundae!
So today I decided to use this product for the very first time to see how it was. The texture is quite thick therefore you don't need to use a lot of it when scrubbing. It goes on really easy and washes off without leaving any bits left on you. I was also quite shocked as most scrubs leave the bath tub really dirty and take forever to rinse out but this product doesn't.
Once out of the bath my skin feels so clean and soft, almost as if I've moisturised! ... and yes, I can smell the lovely fragrance of strawberry's :)
Overall from using this product i would rate it at 9/10 based on the   price, the quality of the product and the packaging. 'The Pink Cow' also do other ones in their range. I would recommend this to anyone who uses scrub on a daily basis because its just so soft and gentle to the skin.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Hair product of the month.

Well this month I have brought a lot of beauty products. Firstly I am going to blog about a hair care treatment that I have found. As you can see it is by Lee Stafford. It cost around £7.49 from Boots. It is a 200ml bottle, and the smell is just gorgeous. The aim of this treatment is as it says, to help hair to grow if it is struggling to grow past a certain length. Obviously it is not going to make your hair grow loads, but I do have a good feeling that It will repair the hairs condition, and allow it to have less brake-offs meaning your hair is still at a good length. The packaging is lovely with the pink girlie colour. It has a good description of what it is for and how it works, and as mentioned before the smell is just amazing. 
  I have only used this product once so far. You are supposed to put an egg sized amount on to your hair and leave it for 5 minutes before conditioning as usual. I did not use an egg sized amount, as with it being quite a pricey item, I do not want it to run out before it has to. I used a small amount, but because of the texture it goes on quite soft and covers a lot of hair. Afterwards it left my hair feeling so soft and it smelt beautiful. Time will tell whether or not this product actually works, but I'm hoping that it does as my hair never grows past shoulder length, and I hate wearing extensions because of the tag you seem to get attached to you once wearing them!
I would rate this product an 6/10 so far... I will blog about it after a month or so to say whether it seems to be working or not but I would recommended this product to anyone who loves fab hair.

End of an era!'

So... seen as i'm new, my first blog is going to be about University. I was at uni for 4 years, and towards the end as most of you will know, the fee's have decided to go up! I'm quite happy that i have finished my course before this takes action! £3,400 a year is bad enough, let alone £9,000!
  My course was English Literature, which sometimes sucked the life & soul out of me! Other than that I would recommend it to anyone who likes English, and loves to read a lot, and likes the historic side to it. I will be honest, it was not what I expected it to be, but I powered through and finished! I have also worked part time as a sales assistant for four years whilst studying my degree, which has its ups and downs... Ups is it's more money to help you live, downs is that there is just not enough time to attend lectures, do homework, do essays and work at the same time!
  As everyone will agree, you meet some wonderful people at university, coming from different countries. I made some very close friends who I am still in contact with, and they were just amazing people.
  As I have now finished my course I am awaiting graduation which also scares me a lot!. I am looking for a full time job, but I feel like I have been pushed into the middle of nowhere with not a clue of how to survive! I have no idea what job I would like to do at the moment! I'm sure most people feel like this once finished university!
  On the plus side now that I have finished, I can have more me time and do the things I love to do like long pamper sessions, and go out and just generally have a good time with no deadlines hanging over me making me feel like I'm doomed each day in case I've missed one!

Anyway, this has only been a short blog seen as its my first! I hope I havent bored any of you who may be reading... I look forward to reading more blogs :) xx


Hello bloggers!

I'm new to this and i will be honest i don't have a clue what i'm doing! I thought i would take up blogging to fill up some time, and to share my thoughts on different things with you all... Once I've figured my way around here i shall be up and running :) xxxxx

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