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Saturday, 28 May 2011

Hair product of the month.

Well this month I have brought a lot of beauty products. Firstly I am going to blog about a hair care treatment that I have found. As you can see it is by Lee Stafford. It cost around £7.49 from Boots. It is a 200ml bottle, and the smell is just gorgeous. The aim of this treatment is as it says, to help hair to grow if it is struggling to grow past a certain length. Obviously it is not going to make your hair grow loads, but I do have a good feeling that It will repair the hairs condition, and allow it to have less brake-offs meaning your hair is still at a good length. The packaging is lovely with the pink girlie colour. It has a good description of what it is for and how it works, and as mentioned before the smell is just amazing. 
  I have only used this product once so far. You are supposed to put an egg sized amount on to your hair and leave it for 5 minutes before conditioning as usual. I did not use an egg sized amount, as with it being quite a pricey item, I do not want it to run out before it has to. I used a small amount, but because of the texture it goes on quite soft and covers a lot of hair. Afterwards it left my hair feeling so soft and it smelt beautiful. Time will tell whether or not this product actually works, but I'm hoping that it does as my hair never grows past shoulder length, and I hate wearing extensions because of the tag you seem to get attached to you once wearing them!
I would rate this product an 6/10 so far... I will blog about it after a month or so to say whether it seems to be working or not but I would recommended this product to anyone who loves fab hair.

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