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Monday, 16 July 2012

We live on the edge of life...

Okay, so its been a month since i last posted on my blog and i can only apologise. Ive been so out of it just recently and been working my butt off literally 6 days a week, so I've just had no time at all... bad Natalie i know! To update you all from my last post about having some exciting news... I HAVE A NEW JOB, wahoooo! As of September i shall be 'Miss Salt'... the teaching assistant! I am thrilled to bits to finally be on the first step of my career ladder! This also means i will obviously have weekends to myself therefore more blogging time :) Anyway enough of the chit chat... i thought id do this haul post for you all... These are a few things that i have brought recently on shopping trips, enjoy!

This is my favourite recent buy! A Peter Pan collared Playsuit! I recently went on a weekend break away to Burnley, & found this in Internationale for just £15.00 in the sale! I fell in love with it straight away, the collar has little pearl gems stuck on it, and it comes with a silver belt. The shorts are navy blue which look lovely in contrast with the white top. I wore this on a night out whilst over there... and paired it with some white heeled shoes.

My next recent buy is also Peter Pan collared... i think I'm a little obsessed with this at the minute...

These little beauties are from Primark, £6.00 each! I love love the details on these... the gold points at the end of the collar give it that finishing touch! They come in all different colours; white, black, peach, burgundy, purple... etc. The look fab dressed with skinny jeans for a casual look, and throw on a pair of black heels for an evening to the pub?

Next stop, Dorothy Perkins... Gold Sequin pocketed vest top! Now this really was a bargin! Originally £22.00 reduced to £7.00!

The top is a satan/silky material... and it is longer at the back than the front. The sequins make this little top... I would probably pair it with a pair of black skinny's and heels... but its also nice for any christmas outings paired with a skirt and a gold clutch bag!

Now these next two buys are for an upcoming wedding that I'm going to next month. Its obviously a day & night event, and i wanted two different looks; one for the ceremony that is subtle, and one for the party at the evening thats a bit more glamourous. I haven't totally decided whether these are going to be my set in stone choice for outfits yet, but i love them just as much...

1) This first dress is a possibility for the ceremony of the wedding. This was an absolute bargin at just £5.00! This was from a little shop in our town called Glance... I have mentioned this shop before in previous posts. I think it is avaiable in white black and navy too. It is a chiffon material, and i think paired with some gold heels and maybe a gold fascinator in my hair it could just do the job.

2) This second dress is totally me, and what I'm thinking of wearing to the reception party of the wedding. It is a copy of the dress that is currently a best seller in Topshop, except this one has the back cut out which i think makes it more fab! This little beauty cost £21.99 from Pilot. It is avaiable in white or coral, but i preferred the white as with a nice tan i think it'll look lovely! I will pair this with gold heels i think.

(Please ignore my hair on the above photo... this is me without my extensions!)

So, they are my most recent buys! At the minute I'm at that stage where I'm seeing so many nice clothes and i just want them all! But I'm planning to go on holiday at the end of August so i need to save my money now for this! It just shows you don't have to pay a lot of money though to buy suitable clothes for events.... Have a look around before you buy the first thing you see... you could drop on some bargins!

Have you been shopping recently? Whats caught your eye?


  1. About blooming time! Only jokes, I know you've been a busy bee :)
    This post has given me lots of inspiration for a new post, so don't hate me too much for stealing all your lovely ideas! lol...
    Both wedding items are so pretty and so you! I only wish the dress form "Glance" was maxi, i'd be buying in an instant!
    Right, you have to keep this up now lovely, lots more reviews too I think, my fave :)

    Hayleyyyyy xx

    1. Thanks chicken!! More posts to come of course :) xx

  2. I love all of these Nat, you have a great figure I need start doing some exersize get rid of my mummy wobbles lol x

    1. Thanks sweets! I hate my figure but thank you for the compliment! Im sure you are still as beautiful as ever! & Your a proud mummy.. show off what you are :) x


I love reading all your comments, so keep them coming :) xx

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