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Monday, 28 October 2013

9 Instagram highlights.

So like most of you i am a lover of Instagram. I love taking photo's and publishing them on there. You can find me at Heres a little sneak peek at my Instagram week.

From left to right…
1. Fluffy cosy star jumper (Ark Clothing) & leggings. This is todays OOTD. Its pretty crap weather outside, day one of my holiday & I'm having a lazy day sorting out a few finances from home. This jumper is a recent buy and i love it! Its so cosy and is keeping me nice and warm :)
2. Dark living room with lit pumpkins. This was very late last night after getting back from a roast & wine party! Clearly a bad idea lighting candles before you go to bed when your intoxicated, don't try this at home! I had a lovely evening with great company.
3. Pink flower tea-light holder. I brought this from Tesco a few months back from the clearance isle for like £1.00, what a bargin! I love having this lit as its just so pretty and makes me feel happy.
4. Big orange pumpkins. So here i have done what most of you will of/will be doing- carving pumpkins. I didn't really know how to carve mine and i felt that looking on google for pictures of pumpkins was cheating, therefore i just got on with it and went with two simple designs. This was a fun day :)
5.Clothes from Ark! So on Saturday as a surprise i was taken to good old Manchester! I spent most of the day window shopping dreaming of things that id like to buy. I did however get treated to the 3 items on this picture which i am in love with! I will probably do a haul post of these items so stay tuned! I love Ark as its such a trendy shop and everything is at an affordable price. I don't have one close by so Manchester is my closet store! You can find Ark online, on TwitterInstagramFacebook & more!
6. "Expectation is the root of all heartache" (William Shakespeare). This is just a little picture i came across whilst i was on the internet.. pretty self explanatory!
7. Candles, candles & more candles. If you didn't know by now i love candles. I think theres nothing nicer and more relaxing than a candlelit room! This was a very chilled out evening!
8. A beautiful and yummy cupcake! I came into work and found this waiting for me on my desk. It was baked by a lovely friend of mine. Yummy Yummy Yummy.
9. Selfie- just the usual selfie here!

So there we have it, my 9 Instagram highlights!
Enjoy :)

A spook-tacular return...

So, after 3 months of being away from blogging what better time to come back and get into the spirit than halloween!
It is also the half term holidays for me at the minute so that is an added bonus because it means i will have plenty of time to get back into the swing of things this coming week.
Ive been away from blogging because i felt pressured to post every day, otherwise it would mean loosing followers. Im very grateful to those of you who are still following me, it means a lot that you haven't been tempted to press that awful unfollow button.
Life in general at the minute for me is okay, mainly work work work more than anything. Im not going to pledge that i am fully back into blogging and declare that i shall post so many times a week as i just think it takes the fun out of it and it becomes less personal because your always trying to find something to blog about. There shouldn't be rules as to how much you post, just go with the flow. Its your blog, you know how much time you have on your hands, post when you can, and enjoy it. 
Anyway enough of the rambles, seen as it is almost halloween i have been
like most people (i assume) carving pumpkins! I love halloween, i love all the spook about it. Carving pumpkins is great fun i think (although a little smelly)
These pumpkins were a bargin at just £1.00 each from Tesco. Unfortunately i have no plans for halloween which kind of sucks! So i think it will be me, the pumpkins and a scary dvd! 
Anyway, i shall be back with another post soon. I have lots in mind…

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