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Thursday, 17 April 2014

Mad about nails!

So, if your like me your probably a little obsessed with your nails! I always love painting my nails with various colours and patterns, but I get so fed up of them chipping due to work and other things; even those 'no chip' nail polish's STILL chip! 
I've never been one for 'fake nails' due to the fact they always fall off, and I'm defo not one to go and spend hours in a nail salon because I aren't fortunate to have that sort of free time on my hands or those pricey costs.. but recently upon my visit to my local Primark I noticed they had started stocking some different nails.
They range in price from £1.00 through to £3.00 (I think!)

Here are a few pictures of the ones I have tried and LOVED so far…

French Manicure nails- PRIMARK- £1.00

Loved these funky French nails! So cool & are great for a night out!- PRIMARK- £1.00

These nails above are the ones I am currently wearing …. They are so pretty and cute, perfect for the girly nail look! PRIMARK- £1.00

Now I'm not saying these nails are miracle nails and will last for agesss.. You get what you pay for basically but for lovely nails on a cheap budget I would defo recommend these. Primark do lots of different styles in store, but for the price you can't go wrong; especially if you loving changing the look of your nails so much like me!
Each time I have put a set of these nails on they have lasted me roughly about a week; I'm not going to lie one or two may have fallen off during the week, but I carry the little tube of glue around with me ready for any accidents, and if you loose one they come with plenty of spares!

 I have yet to try these pretty pink 3D diamonte nails… but they are gorgeous & I can't wait to wear them!

Have you seen any bargain's around lately? How do you like to do your nails? These are perfect, quick & simple nails.. and nice nails make me smile!

 Will you be heading to your local PRIMARK to try some of these lovely nails?


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