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Sunday, 1 June 2014

Kimono over here!

It is always a pain for me whenever I'm getting ready to go out somewhere, be it day or night time- I really struggle when it comes to outfits. Regardless of all the clothes that I own, I absolutely HATE my top half; I have really broad shoulders which stand out a mile, & I think my arms are quite big compared to my legs which look like sticks whenever I see photos of them. Due to me being so self conscious about my arms I always try to cover up the top half of me as much as I can so that I am not bearing all! This does become tricky though as there are only so many 'nice' long sleeved tops out there that are suitable for certain occasions such as going for tea, and obviously at the minute it isn't really cold enough to wear long sleeved cardigans- although sometimes I do if push comes to push.

Just recently I have noticed ALOT of Kimono's in the shops. I personally think these are an absolute life saver. Ive seen them in all different shapes/colours/sizes with different patterns; perfect for day or night!
A shop that I seem to always be buying Kimono's from is Select. They have so many lovely ones in store and online at the minute, I can't get enough of them! I already own a few but Im always looking for more. Heres a recent OOTN featured recently on my Instagram.

*Some photos may appear blurred, this is due to them being in action photos*

This kimono has beautiful black tasselling, and is a deep red/burgundy colour mixed in with a golden shade and more black. With the colours in this kimono being quite dark I only opted for a dark cami top to match and so I paired it with blue jeggins to bring out some of the redness rather than having a fully dark outfit. The nude shoes are a lovely shade to go with the golden tones. 

Kimono - Select - £19.99 (not currently available online although may still be in store)
Black strappy V-neck cami - Topshop - £18.00
Denim jeggins - Primark - £7
Nude heels - Select - £10.00 (not currently available online although may still be in store)
Handbag - Primark - £10.00
Statement necklace - Primark - £3.00 (I think)
*Any other jewellery seen is Pandora*

I think what I love most about kimono's is that they just work for me; they are able to turn a casual outfit into something more edgy, and for someone as self conscious about the top half as mentioned above like me then they are just perfect because my shoulders are covered, and most of my arms are too. Even though the kimono's aren't full sleeve length, this one in particular has the lovely tasseling detail which draws attention from the arms anyway, and the pattern also helps to do this too.

I am currently lusting over another kimono in Select at the minute which is very similar to the one I already have featured above. Heres some photo's…

*Photos taken from*

Black Boudoir Floral Kimono - Select - £16.00

I love the colours in this kimono once again, and the cute floral pattern. Like my kimono featured above for the OOTN, this one also has tasseling which brightens up any outfit straight away. I would style this one with a bright orange camp, black skinny jeans and some chunky black heels! I will definitely be buying this sometime soon!

Are the kimono's for you?



  1. I'm definately on the select website now, great post Hun! I love these kimonos x Bean's Beauty Blog

    1. Thank you! They have some lovely ones in at the mo!



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