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Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Birthday/Wedding Celebration #OOTN

So last weekend on Saturday I was a birthday girl! Yes thats right that one time a year you get spoilt for just being born! I am now 26 years old... and feeling even older than that some days! On my birthday a friend of mine was getting married and I had been invited to their wedding reception at night. This made me happy that I was going to be apart of their special day, but at the same time it brought fear as I had no idea what to wear! 
On the weeks coming unto my birthday I had searched all the high street shops and could not find anything that caught my eye. I was so stressed out but then it hit me... I decided to wear a dress that I had had brought for me a few months ago that was still brand new hanging up in my closet; I had just completely forgot that I had it! This was perfect, until I realised that I actually had no shoes to go with it, and so on my actual birthday I spent 5 hours actually looking for THE perfect shoes to match! I was so glad that I managed to find some as if I couldn't I would of had to of gone back to square one and found something different to wear!
Heres a few photos of my chosen look, please ignore my messy room.. these are just a few quick shots before I headed off to the party to I apologise for the poor quality.

1. Bodycon Dress: GLANCE - £5.00!
2. Pink Court Shoes: FAITH from DEBENHAMS - £22.50 (sale)
3. Gold Clutch Bag: MARC JACOBS - £ unknown as it was a birthday present
*Jewellery by New Look & Pandora*

1. The Dress

 I absolutely love this dress, and no I haven't made a typo error above, it literally was £5.00! There has been so many of these types of dresses flying around lately in different colours and designs... but they're all the same at the end of the day when it comes to the style and shape and some were ranging from £10 to £40 that id seen. I saw this in a local shop of ours which has now unfortunately shut down and as soon as I saw the £5 sign I was sold! I love the colour of it and I love the floral pattern. I thought this was perfect for a wedding. My only worry was that it sticks to you so it shows up all your 'lumps and bumps'... but I popped it on and had a few drinks and my worries went away!

2. The Shoes

When I mentioned above that I had spent so many hours looking for some pink shoes, I literally had! I had been to so many different shoe shops and none had any in that were of any pink shade! I actually started to get upset, and I even went into one shop - found pink ones but then they didn't have my size! I eventually came across these beauties above, and they were in the sale and in a size 5! I could of jumped for joy! Debenhams was my saviour! These shoes are by Faith and were half price in the sale for £22.50. I love the deep colour of them and pink is my favourite colour so now Im happy that I actually own a pair of pink shoes!

3 & 4. The bag & the watch!

 I have had this watch for over 3 years now and it was my first ever Marc Jacobs love! I love the white leather strap and the gold facia, I think it looks so rich and goes with so many different outfits. I was lucky enough to of had the gold clutch bag brought me for my birthday which I think is a perfect match for my watch! I know that the watch cost £160 but I am unsure of how much the clutch was. I cannot wait to style these again at christmas! 

No outfit is complete without having lush nails... and so here was my #NOTN!

False Nails - Primark - £1.00!

Seen as these were pink they were a must have to complete my outfit, and them being glittery just sold it to me even more! I put these nails on on Saturday night and it is now Wednesday night and not one has come off! *touch wood*. I think these nails are such good quality for the price you really can't complain. You can see more of these nails in a recent post of mine here.

So there it is, my birthday/wedding outfit! Im really looking forward to styling more outfits ready for the upcoming christmas season. The thing I love most about this outfit is that it was all on a budget and doesn't brake the bank!

Have you got your party dress ready?


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