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Sunday, 7 December 2014

OOTD, Nothing to wear...

"I have nothing to wear" is frequently a phrase of mine. No matter how many clothes I own I still never have anything to wear... typical girl! Im loving the slogan tees out at the minute, and theres so many around. Heres one that fits mine and probably a lot of other girls everyday dilemma!

*also available in the maternity range*

I just had to buy this t-shirt when I saw in. It fits perfectly and it is such a bargain for £7.99. Heres how I styled it for my #ootd...

*I've just seen online as I searched for the link that this cardigan is currently £12.99 on sale! Grab a bargain quick, its so fluffy and warm; perfect for these cold winter months!*

I whipped this outfit together for a casual Saturday out to do more christmas shopping. I love that it is all black, sometimes I think that black is my favourite colour- you just can't go wrong with it! I love the monochrome look of the t-shirt with its white writing which makes it stand out and actually breaks the black up making it easier to get away with! 

Have you spotted any slogan t-shirts that suit you down to a tee??


Wednesday, 3 December 2014

But first, let me take a selfie! Selfie Stick!

The nation has gone crazy... Now everyone (including me) is obsessed with taking selfies wherever they are or go! A while a go I saw the trend break out like a rash all over Instagram. 'Selfie pod', 'selfie stick' ... whatever you want to call it, I think the invention is amazing and I really really wanted one. Ive seen so many people trying to cram onto a photo and peoples heads either get cropped off or it just looks blurred from someone moving and knocking the camera... Well this time has come and gone... behold the super stick!

I could not believe it, our local The Range were stocking selfie sticks! 

"This handheld, lightweight, stainless steel iTech Selfees Telescopic Arm Kit is perfect for taking selfies with ease. There's no need to ask a stranger to take a picture of you anymore, as this versatile self portrait camera arm is lightweight, and easily portable, so you can take them yourself!" This just sells it to me, I hate asking anyone to take photos because its just so awkward and then half of the time I never end up liking the photo they have actually taken anyway!

When I picked up a box they stated that there was three colours, black white & red. I didn't really fancy any of those as I had seen pink ones online from other places, but when I picked up a red one and opened it up to see how red it actually was I was so impressed as it was PINK! This sold it to me there and then! Also for £4.99? Bargain and a lot cheaper than ones I've seen elsewhere!

Heres the three main specs of this amazing creation:

"It is constructed mainly of stainless steel so it won't rust, for lasting quality, plus it includes a wrist strap for support and security when in use and carrying."

"This telescopic arm not only extends from 20cm-97cm, but it also rotates 360degrees, and it's easy to adjust to any angle."
"This kit contains a telescopic arm, a universal phone holder and a tripod."

* All quotes and specs taken from The Range's website here. *

So many people are quick to judge this piece of technology saying they're silly etc, but I personally think they're such a good invention! It will also help with any quick/ last minute blog photos, and will also decrease the number of 'mirror selfies' when coming to take an outfit photo!

 Bye bye arms length photos!
Have you given in to your deadly sins and brought a selfie stick? Come on, its fun! Bring on the christmas family selfies!


Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Keeping it simple: #OOTD

The time has come for all the weekend shopping trips to start getting those christmas presents for our loved ones. When I go shopping I hate wearing anything thick or heavy as I just get to hot, I like to be cool and comfy. Also I don't know if this is just me but when I go shopping I sometimes come home more depressed than when I went as I see other people dressed really nice and I see lots of lovely clothes then look at my own outfit and think what a waste of money, Heres to just a little post wearing something pink for an afternoon of shopping; and of course anything pink is a favourite to me! This is a simple affordable outfit that won't break the bank!

Here I was stuck, I really wanted to wear my knee high tan boots from New Look but then I remembered as I mentioned above how hot I get when I'm shopping, and so I decided to change them to the following for more comfort...

Jumper - PRIMARK - £5.00 (sale)
Jeggins - PRIMARK - £7.00
Cut Out Buckle Ankle Boots - SELECT FASHION - £20
Necklace - PRIMARK - £2.00 (sale)
*Any other jewellery shown is Pandora*

What I love most about this outfit is that it is simple, pink & comfy. I love the jumper and it was an absolute bargain from Primark. It is pink knit at the front and has a white blouse type back which just makes it so different from all the other jumpers I have seen out at the minute which are really thick and heavy. I also really like how it has the collar. Usually I would wear a blouse under my jumper to create this look, but then once again get really hot and end up taking off the jumper. This is perfect as it creates the look without having to wear something underneath. This was £5 in the sale reduced from £12- I just couldn't say no to it, especially as it is pink! 
I decided to pair this with a simple pair of blue jeggins and finally decided to go with my cut out buckled ankle boots for my foot wear. These boots were a bargain too from Select Fashion at just £20! I have seen so many ankle boots on the high street at some shocking prices for what they actually are! I love the gold detailing on the buckle on these!
Lots of people were looking at me like I was mad walking around with no coat, but I just can't do with being hot and bothered when shopping!
So theres my outfit which totals £34... affordable and comfy!

Have you started your christmas shopping for 2014?


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