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Sunday, 7 December 2014

OOTD, Nothing to wear...

"I have nothing to wear" is frequently a phrase of mine. No matter how many clothes I own I still never have anything to wear... typical girl! Im loving the slogan tees out at the minute, and theres so many around. Heres one that fits mine and probably a lot of other girls everyday dilemma!

*also available in the maternity range*

I just had to buy this t-shirt when I saw in. It fits perfectly and it is such a bargain for £7.99. Heres how I styled it for my #ootd...

*I've just seen online as I searched for the link that this cardigan is currently £12.99 on sale! Grab a bargain quick, its so fluffy and warm; perfect for these cold winter months!*

I whipped this outfit together for a casual Saturday out to do more christmas shopping. I love that it is all black, sometimes I think that black is my favourite colour- you just can't go wrong with it! I love the monochrome look of the t-shirt with its white writing which makes it stand out and actually breaks the black up making it easier to get away with! 

Have you spotted any slogan t-shirts that suit you down to a tee??


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