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Saturday, 14 March 2015

Saturdays were made for shopping!

So with it being Mother's Day tomorrow I nipped into town this morning to finish getting the last bits and bobs I needed to complete my mums presents. After I had done this I had a wonder around town and found myself wandering into one of my favourite shops, Topshop!

For a while I have had my eye on a certain dress, and whilst walking around I spotted it! I decided to make the spurge and buy it as a treat for myself... why not, everyone deserves a treat once in a while don't they?

Heres a few pictures that I managed to take whilst trying it on for the correct size...

I opted to have this dress from the 'tall' section just because it was that little bit longer than the usual standard sizing. I love the back on this dress because overall it is a really casual look but the back is beautiful with the drapes! I really wanted this dress in the lighter grey colour but they didn't have any in stock so I stuck with this darker one. You can find the link to this beauty here.

When I had finished trying on my new purchase I carried on looking around the store heading towards the till. I stopped off to look at all the beautiful jewellery that they have in. Im really into choker necklaces at the minute, but I have been looking for one with a dangle/pendant attached to it. No surprise Topshop being my saviour once again I came across the perfect one!

I cannot actually find this choker on the official website to provide a link, so I have just linked to the page which contains lots of other chokers as for some reason mine does not appear on the website at the minute.

This choker has a velvet look for around the neck and is a dark black which will make it stand out. The teal flower on it is so pretty and delicate.. I think it will be a perfect match for my new dress!

Have you found any Topshop products this month that you just had to have? I am super happy with my purchases today and cannot wait to wear them!


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