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Sunday, 22 March 2015

Todays #ootd ... white maybe the new black?!

So today the sun was shining, what better day than to wear white! Im obsessed with black and if I am honest and own up I probably own a little too much... but then can you have too much black in your closet?? White is going to be on trend for summer and its starting to enter a lot of high street shops already. For me white is a iffy colour. I love to see it especially when the sun is shining, but I just feel it exposes you more.. and you can't hide away in it like you can in black! 
I recently brought an amazing long oversized sleeveless white jacket from New Look. Today seemed like the perfect day to wear it for the first time and to try and get used to wearing white ready for the upcoming summer weeks!
Heres my full #ootd !

Cameo Rose White Sleeveless Jacket - NEW LOOK - £17.99
Grey Long Sleeved Tee - PRIMARK - £3.50
LIZZIE Clean Indigo Jean - MISS SELFRIDGES - £38.00
Converse - SOLE TRADER - £44.99

I love that this has a collared front, draws your eye to the casual fit yet smart look. 

What I love most about this jacket is that it is so versatile. It can be worn in a formal way, or as I've styled it today in an casual way! I love the pocket detailing.. although that is a trick as there is actually no pockets, but I love that it looks like they're super big! The length of this is perfect and its so comfy and moves freely when you wear it. I chose to pair it with some skinny jeans and converse today  just because its Sunday and I felt like having a casual day! I think this would also look lovely paired with some patterned leggings and ankle boots, and also a long sleeved swing dress!

I can't wait to wear this sleeveless jacket again with a different outfit. It almost certainly put a smile on my face today with the sun being out! New Look also stock this in a camel colour which you can find here. There is literally so much white in the shops now and I think I'm going to brave it and splash out on some more to lighten up my wardrobe. 

I chose to spend today having a walk around, then I had a little trip to Costa to enjoy a lovely drink! I hope you all had a fab Sunday and are looking forward to a brand new week!
You can find links to all my items featured in this post above. 

What are your thoughts on white? Are you brave enough to ditch the black in your wardrobe for summer?

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