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Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Ruby Ruby Ruby Rubbbbby!

I have always been, as some people may say, a barbie type of girl. This is only because of how much i love the colour pink! I am very very fond of my pink lipstick, and people certainly can distinguish me from this. I did used to get a lot of stick for wearing pink lipstick, but now everyone seems to be wearing it... wheres the justice in that?!
Anyhow i still love my pink lipsticks lots and lots, but i have moved on just a tad and been a little bit daring... Im braving the red lipstick! 
Ive been searching and searching for a nice red lipstick for a while, not knowing whether it would suit me or not because of my blonde hair, but i have found one and i LOVE it!. If you have seen my last post about my friend Sarah's wedding, you will notice i am actually wearing the red lipstick on that occasion, its just fab! If not you can catch it below this post :)

I don't think i could wear this lipstick without a little tan, and i have also had to make my eyebrows a little bit darker, but who cares... Lady in Red <3
What colour lipsticks are you loving right now? xxxxxxxxxx

Wedding Bells!

Hello my lovely readers :) It has been a while, once again... Apologies!
It was my lovely friend Sarah's wedding this Saturday just gone, and my oh my didn't she look beautiful! Here is just a quick little post to show you my outfit... I did not end up wearing my dress from Miss Guided as it did not fit properly & i couldn't find any shoes at all, so here goes....

Dress: Topshop £50
Shoes: Dorothy Perkins £45
Ring: Primark £2.00
Earings: Dorothy Perkins £5.00

It was such a lovely night, and as i said before she truly did look beautiful! Im sure she will have pictures to show you all so make sure you keep a look out!

Monday, 12 September 2011

Peter Andre came to town!

Yes thats right, Mr Peter Andre himself came to our local town!! He was doing a signing for his new children's books. You did need a wrist band and a copy of the book to actually meet him but i had something different in mind!
Id heard he was coming to town and i seriously love him so one way or another i wanted to see him but i didn't not fancy the huge ques that formed from 6.30am right up to 6pm!
I drove to town in rush hour traffic after deciding i had to go and see him, its Peter how could i not! I finally got to town after parking miles away and running up and there he was still sat signing away!
He is so so beautiful! He actually looks exactly the same in real life as you see him on tv or in magazines etc! He is so tanned and handsome, i fell in love all over again!
Here are a few snapshots i managed to get of him for you all to enjoy...

Isn't he just beautiful!! I was so lucky to be close enough to get these pictures without zooming in! He was literally in arms reach of me! Its a moment i will never forget!!

Have you been struck by the beauty that is Peter Andre? xxxxxxx

Miss Guided!

Hey guys! So i think I've finally found my way around my new macbook, yaaaay! So blogging is back up & running!
I just wanted to do this quick post for you to let you all know about a fabulous clothing website....
Yes, its Miss Guided! It is such a great fashion website with lots of gorgeous clothes, of whom real celeb's have been found wearing the items like Frankie from the Saturdays, & Essex's Lauren Pope!
Its my lovely friend Sarah's wedding in just 2 weeks! I really needed an outfit and Boohoo nor Asos were cutting it for me! I didn't have a lot of money to spend on a fancy dress, but when i found Miss Guided i was so surprised at how much variety of clothing was available, and at really affordable prices!
Anyway i found my dress thank goodness! Im now really struggling to find a pair of shoes but i still have 2 weeks so wish me luck! 
Im not going to show you my purchase just yet... but after the wedding i will blog lots of pictures to show you my chosen dress!

Have you been Miss Guided recently? xxxxxxx

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Posts to come :)

Hello my lovely's! I hope your all well? I was going to be blogging for you as i started a new project and wanted to share it with you all!... But I've been very very naughty; I've been and got myself a brand spanking new MacBook Pro! Eeeeks its SO beautiful! Im still unsure of how to use it properly yet, and i have no idea how i get my pictures on to it, so i promise when i find my way around it i will blog my new project for you and also show you my lovely MB Pro :) Also as you are all aware blogger has changed and i am loving this new image! But i also am struggling to use this too!
Speak soon, & to those who have stayed with me thank you xoxoxoxox

Do you have any of your own projects going on at the moment? xxxxxx

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