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Monday, 12 September 2011

Peter Andre came to town!

Yes thats right, Mr Peter Andre himself came to our local town!! He was doing a signing for his new children's books. You did need a wrist band and a copy of the book to actually meet him but i had something different in mind!
Id heard he was coming to town and i seriously love him so one way or another i wanted to see him but i didn't not fancy the huge ques that formed from 6.30am right up to 6pm!
I drove to town in rush hour traffic after deciding i had to go and see him, its Peter how could i not! I finally got to town after parking miles away and running up and there he was still sat signing away!
He is so so beautiful! He actually looks exactly the same in real life as you see him on tv or in magazines etc! He is so tanned and handsome, i fell in love all over again!
Here are a few snapshots i managed to get of him for you all to enjoy...

Isn't he just beautiful!! I was so lucky to be close enough to get these pictures without zooming in! He was literally in arms reach of me! Its a moment i will never forget!!

Have you been struck by the beauty that is Peter Andre? xxxxxxx

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