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Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Ruby Ruby Ruby Rubbbbby!

I have always been, as some people may say, a barbie type of girl. This is only because of how much i love the colour pink! I am very very fond of my pink lipstick, and people certainly can distinguish me from this. I did used to get a lot of stick for wearing pink lipstick, but now everyone seems to be wearing it... wheres the justice in that?!
Anyhow i still love my pink lipsticks lots and lots, but i have moved on just a tad and been a little bit daring... Im braving the red lipstick! 
Ive been searching and searching for a nice red lipstick for a while, not knowing whether it would suit me or not because of my blonde hair, but i have found one and i LOVE it!. If you have seen my last post about my friend Sarah's wedding, you will notice i am actually wearing the red lipstick on that occasion, its just fab! If not you can catch it below this post :)

I don't think i could wear this lipstick without a little tan, and i have also had to make my eyebrows a little bit darker, but who cares... Lady in Red <3
What colour lipsticks are you loving right now? xxxxxxxxxx

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