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Tuesday, 24 January 2012

You can't choose what stays and what fades away...

So its Tuesday already... where are these weeks going?! At the minute alls I'm finding is I'm working hard but not playing at all.. I'm sure its meant to be work hard play harder?!
Im having a major struggle at the minute with everything, and I'm finding myself questioning everything. Do you every just have those days where your like 'why do this, why would you do that' ... Maybe its just me, but I'm really starting to see true colours from every aspect! I just feel like i need a change in everything, looks, location.. everything! Im also using the word 'everything' a lot... not good considering I'm a graduated English student ha! I guess in a way i could say I'm feeling very un-inspirational at the minute, and I'm lacking motivation! This won't last for long i can assure you as my ocd won't allow it!

On a positive note, I've now reached 52 followers, yaaaay! I do have a lot of OOTD's that i need to get posted for you all, and i have a couple of hauls too.. but i have lost my usb lead *cries :(* so for the time being I'm stuck uploading pictures via email which is taking me forever!

Feel free to leave me some comments as to what posts you would like to see coming up :)

"We're nominated for a Brit!! From Marv x"

Okay so this is totally a 'fan girl' moment away from any blogging aspect buuut.... The Brits are coming and yes JLS have been nominated!!

We're nominated for a Brit!! From Marv x (Sound cloud message)

Pleaaase vote for JLS for the best single at the Brit awards.. would make me very happy lol!
You can do so here...

Thank you lovely's <3

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

We turn our back and whip our hair...

Okay this blog is going to start with a question...

Are side buns still in fashion?!

Please ignore the mess behind me in this photo, i was in my mums room!

Anyway the other day i didn't know how to have my hair. It was too windy for it to be down so i decided on an up do, but then i thought; up do's are boring now... so there i found myself putting it in a bun... which ended up on the side of my head!
I do like the way it looks on this photo, I'm just unsure as to if it is 'chavy' or not... I'm all for buns, but I've not worn one on the side since forever! I did end up pulling it out of the bun and just putting it in a pony tail because of my unsureness ha!

As you can see my pink is still in my hair! Its faded a little now, but i shall post some pictures from when i first had it done soon :)


Monday, 16 January 2012

January Wish List...

Okay so first things first, I've reached 50 followers, yaaay! Hello and welcome :) Its so nice to know that 50 people have subbed to my blog :)

As we all know its January, and if your like me- pretty penniless right now then you will probably feel the same as me; crap! I know christmas has only just gone but its those January sales that i have had to avoid.. but now i am seeing so many nice things that have come out ready for the year ahead!

Heres my January Wish list- not all items of clothing as I've seen some fab bits and bobs for home,...

\All photo's are screen captured from the actual sites, please find exact links below on the shop names :)

I love love the handbag from Topshop, its so girly :) The birdcage lamp i have actually now brought- two of them intact! They are so delicate and pretty, and even nicer when switched on! The stripe dress would be an ideal dress for any holidays i think! I love the colour of the ballet pumps.. Ive been looking for a new pair of shoes for a while now but none have taken my fancy so many just maybe these could be the ones! Last but not least the iPhone 4S.. my reasoning behind wanting one of these... because Blackberrys are crap (in my opinion anyway)! I have 7 months left on my Blackberry contract and i cannot wait to upgrade! It is forever crashing or running slow, i just hate it!

So there we have it my January wants!

What do you want this January?


Food diary, Week Two

So after a weekend of work and a week end of eating whatever i like, its that time again- back to rashins *sobs*
Heres my food diary ready for this week, week two...

Breakfast- 1 weatabix with semi-skimmed milk
Lunch- One egg (boiled) on two pieces of toast
Dinner- One beef cup-a-soup
Snacks- 1 apple,

Breakfast- one piece of toast with low fat butter
Lunch- one slice of wafer thin ham on two pieces of bread
Dinner- an apple followed by a banana cause i was in a rush for the gym!
Snacks- one small weight watchers peach yogurt

Breakfast- 1 piece of toast
Lunch- one slice of wafer thin ham on two pieces of bread
Dinner- fish
Snacks- one small weight watchers strawberry yoghurt, one apple, one banana

Breakfast- 1 banana
Lunch- one chicken sandwich
Dinner- small tin of heinz spaghetti
Snacks- one apple

Breakfast- toast (as above)
Lunch- an apple

You can find week one's entry's here.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Never say never

Okay, so i may be a little bit behind with the times- but oh my god fur (faux) headbands!!

I hate the fact that because i have quite a high forehead i can't really wear my hear in a middle parting, and these are just beauty's for me cause now i can and my forehead is hidden! Never say Never!

Id seen such a beautiful one in Topshop like the one I'm wearing above, except it was in a burgundy red colour- SO nice! Buuut as usual with my luck they were sold out within like a day! I tried online and they also didn't have any so i went in a big fat mood as you do! Then i went into River Island and spotted this beauty! It was in the sale!! Previously had been £14.99 (i think) and i got it for £6, BARGIN! Its basically just a headband with elastic at the back to stretch over your head, full of faux fur! They did have some other colours too, a lilac and a grey and possibly some others... however I'm not sure if they still have them cause they were selling fast! I was a little worried that it would make me itch or actually hurt my head after wearing it for so long, but its so comfy! Heres my lilac purple one...

This one is just as fab (looks a little pinky on this photo but its more lilac in real life).. probably a little more outgoing as its brighter but still really cute! This was actually only £3 in the sale so a defo must have for me!

Are you a fan of these headbands? x

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Food diary, Week One

As i mentioned in my previous blog post, I've gone back to my healthy(ish) ways; or I'm at least trying to... and I've started back at the gym! When I'm not at the gym i try to walk for at least 20 minutes a day, and i also find playing on things like Just Dance is a good easy workout. Ive not gone completely crazy on 'diet food', but i have cut down a lot and I'm trying to cut all junk food out! Also I've banned eating after 6pm! My plan is I'm allowed treat foods (within a reasonable fashion) at the weekend, which will be from Friday night to Sunday dinner!

A few people have asked what sort of foods i am now eating instead of the usual chips, crisps etc.. so to make things easier for me iv decided to log what i actually eat in a day on my blog (food diary), that way i can see what I'm consuming, and obviously you get to nosey at it! I won't list my food intake over the weekend as theres no point really as it will only be trashy food :p

\Week One/
Breakfast- 1 piece of toast with low fat butter
Lunch- 1 banana
Dinner- 1 chicken fillet with 4 small new potatoes
Snacks- 1 apple and a few grapes

Breakfast- 1 piece of toast with low fat butter
Lunch- 1 apple
Dinner- beef and tomato cup-a-soup
Snacks- 1 banana and a few grapes

Breakfast- 1 weatabix with semi-skimmed milk
Lunch- egg on toast (1 egg & 2 slices of toast)
Dinner- a small Weight Watchers beef hotpot
Snacks- a small Weight Watchers strawberry yoghurt, a few grapes

Breakfast- 1 piece of toast with low fat butter
Lunch- Small tin of Heinz Spaghetti
Dinner- one snack wrap thingy :)
Snacks- none!

Breakfast- 1 weatabix with semi-skimmed milk
Lunch- 1 ham sandwich (2 slices of bread with one slice of wafer thin ham, & low fat butter)

I am also consuming at least 1 ltr of water a day.
I shall update this up to tomorrow after i have ate of course!

Just as a sort of disclaimer, the items i have ate and the amount of food i am consuming is an amount that my body can tolerate, please do not do this for yourself as it is in no way an example, its purely for my own benefit. For your own diets you should see a GP or someone who knows what you should and shouldn't be eating. Thanks.

I will never be the same; without you...

So bloggers I'm back, gosh its been a while! I apologise for my lack of blog posts; it has been a while. From my last posts before my break you will of seen work was becoming very busy for the christmas period. Ive been working 11/12 hour shifts which would finish at 9pm at night and then had to be back in work for 8.30am the next day for a 9 hour shift... that was my life over christmas! Then Christmas day was my only day off because of work, and on that day i had to cook christmas dinner for 5, yes 5! I hope you all had a lovely christmas and got lots of nice presents!

I did want to blog about my christmas, but i was that busy i just didn't have chance. My work front has quietened down a lot now, so i think i can finally say i will have time to sit down and blog again *yaay* .. I suppose sometimes life does just take over and before you know it so many things have taken place before you can actually sit back and realise the time that has passed!

Not too much has changed regarding me since my last posts, i started back on healthy eating and I'm back in the gym at long last! and also the obvious shown in the photo above, i had some pink put in my hair & i love it! Ive actually had a bit more put in since that photo was taken... i shall perhaps blog about it in the coming weeks, after all I'm back and the world is my blogger :)

Im not too sure what my next blog post is going to be, but it will be tomorrow so be sure to look back for it :)


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