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Monday, 16 January 2012

Food diary, Week Two

So after a weekend of work and a week end of eating whatever i like, its that time again- back to rashins *sobs*
Heres my food diary ready for this week, week two...

Breakfast- 1 weatabix with semi-skimmed milk
Lunch- One egg (boiled) on two pieces of toast
Dinner- One beef cup-a-soup
Snacks- 1 apple,

Breakfast- one piece of toast with low fat butter
Lunch- one slice of wafer thin ham on two pieces of bread
Dinner- an apple followed by a banana cause i was in a rush for the gym!
Snacks- one small weight watchers peach yogurt

Breakfast- 1 piece of toast
Lunch- one slice of wafer thin ham on two pieces of bread
Dinner- fish
Snacks- one small weight watchers strawberry yoghurt, one apple, one banana

Breakfast- 1 banana
Lunch- one chicken sandwich
Dinner- small tin of heinz spaghetti
Snacks- one apple

Breakfast- toast (as above)
Lunch- an apple

You can find week one's entry's here.

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