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Wednesday, 18 January 2012

We turn our back and whip our hair...

Okay this blog is going to start with a question...

Are side buns still in fashion?!

Please ignore the mess behind me in this photo, i was in my mums room!

Anyway the other day i didn't know how to have my hair. It was too windy for it to be down so i decided on an up do, but then i thought; up do's are boring now... so there i found myself putting it in a bun... which ended up on the side of my head!
I do like the way it looks on this photo, I'm just unsure as to if it is 'chavy' or not... I'm all for buns, but I've not worn one on the side since forever! I did end up pulling it out of the bun and just putting it in a pony tail because of my unsureness ha!

As you can see my pink is still in my hair! Its faded a little now, but i shall post some pictures from when i first had it done soon :)



  1. I think your hair looks nice like that not chavvy at all x

  2. thanks hun, i really wasn't sure! x


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