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Sunday, 7 October 2012

On a new journey....

Once again i come with an apology! Ive been away from blogging for a few weeks because I've just been too busy. I started my new job- I'm almost 6 weeks in and loving it. Its been so so hectic trying to come to terms with new routines etc, getting to know new people, and most of all coming to terms that I'm now working in a school where i have always wanted to work! 
 Anyway with a new job comes new money, £££££. I can now treat myself to all those little things that may of been off limits in my previous employment! I have been shopping this weekend, so I'm thinking of doing a little haul of that for my next post. 
 The only other change in my life is my hair, again! I have gone back to the blonde side, yep I'm a blondie AGAIN! I just can't get used to not being blonde- its me! 

 Speak soon lovely's xxxxx


  1. aaaw thank you thats so sweet... il come over to yours now and give you a follow... feel free to follow me :) xx


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