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Friday, 7 December 2012

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Hello lovely bloggers. Its been such a long time since i have been on here its unreal. I lost my connection with the blogging world from starting my new career, but i have had quite a few messages asking me where i am, if I'm coming back, when will i blog again... so here i am.
Thank you to my followers who have stayed with me and not clicked that dreadful 'unfollow' button... it means a lot that you stuck around :)
Ive been so busy lately, but I've just about got myself back on track again with things in my life- therefore i feel i can now commit to my hobby again rather than letting it take a back seat whilst i got all the boring things in life sorted out.
In terms of what I've been up to while I've been away.. well its been work work and more work, but i love my new job so much. Its such a pleasure to work with young children and help them, and theres so many smiles that come from seeing them succeed. Oh and I'm still very much blonde for those of you who are thinking 'i wonder what colour her hair is now'. 

                             Dress is from VERY as seen on tv, please ignore mums messy room!

It was my birthday a couple of weeks ago, i turned 24! I had lots of lovely presents... and i got myself a new car! I hated parting with mine for sentimental reasons but it was time to give it up and get a new one, so now i have a shiny new C1 and i love her! :)

So its that time... its beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Who's excited?? I am! Although i do feel as i get older I'm starting to not care as much about presents... its more how i spend Christmas time, and who with. I put our Christmas tree up the other night, even though it will always be a tough thing for me to do from loosing my dad as that was his speciality and he loved Christmas, but i put it up for him as life does indeed carry on. 

Ive done most of my Christmas shopping and got the bits that i have brought wrapped up, but i feel theres still so much more to buy! I dont have any plans at all at the minute for Christmas festivities, but im not going to worry because usually those last minute plans turn out to be the best!

Anyway i hope you are all well, il be back tomorrow with a blog post... not too sure what my first post back will be on, but i have a few new bits and bobs i could do a haul on...

Until next time 

1 comment:

  1. thank you :) i shall head over and return the favour x


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