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Friday, 30 May 2014

My Custom iPhone case from Mr Nutcase!

So if your like me your probably obsessed with buying phone cases. I have tons of phone cases from old phones that obviously don't fit once I change my phone. I currently have an iPhone 5C in pink. I have found it so hard to try and find cases for this type of phone that actually fit properly. I have ordered several from eBay which have come, been really nice but just don't fit properly.. and then in the little cheap bargain shops I have found ones that say 'iPhone 5/5s/5c'.. and me being me I buy them and they don't fit either! 
Anyway I was lucky enough to be contacted buy a fab phone company called Mr Nutcase!. They specialse in not only different collections of cases but also personalised phone cases… why had I never thought of this type of case before?
I headed over to straight away as I was so excited to see what they could offer me! The site has lovely bright colours and is so easy to use; making a phone case has never been so easy! You have two options to choose from, 'Collections' or 'Create your own'. I chose 'create your own' as I was interested in how they would put my chosen photos to use. Here are a few step by photos of the process as you select your phone model etc.

 This is the Mr Nutcase homepage… nice & bright! Here you can choose which type of case you would like!

Choosing the correct case for your phone is so easy and simple with them click down lists! 

 I chose to get the 'Ultra Light Weight Slimline' case just because I like my cases to feel quite light… I don't like those big chunky heavy ones! This type of case costs £14.95. You then get directed to choose which design for the layout of your photos you would like. There are so many to choose from! After this step you then go on to upload the photos that you would like to be on your case and choose your background colour, pay for it, sit back and relax as then Mr Nutcase does all the work for you!

Moving on, I chose the design which allowed me to have 16 photos. I think this is amazing, 16 photos… thats so many! Its really impressive how they can fit that many photos on a phone case, and I think for the price of an 'Ultra Light Weight Slimline' phone case that is such a bargain! Whats even more amazing is that they offer Free delivery; it just gets better and better! Enough of my talking… Here are some photos of my amazing custom iPhone case!

So there it is, my custom iPhone case … with 16 perfectly clear photos! I absolutely love it and I shall defo be using Mr Nutcase again in the future. I was quite worried about choosing the layout with 16 photos as I though the small photos may be blurred, but the photos are in such good quality and the case is so light and so so smooth; I would easily recommend Mr Nutcase if your thinking about getting a new phone! I like how the photos have a border around them too as it makes them stand out more. You can choose a different background colour which makes the border- but I fancied a nice fresh white!
Delivery is super quick and impressive and like I mentioned above is FREE!
If you would like to get yourself a personalised phone case like mine, you can get 10% off your order by using my code below when you checkout:


Just pop that little code in once you check out & as well as free delivery you will get 10% off your bill :)

You can find out more about Mr Nutcase by using the following links:

Will you be getting yourself a custom iPhone case?



  1. OMG! That looks so stunning! Definitely one in a million! No one will ever have the same case as you.

    Lilly. xx

    1. Thanks it's lovely isn't it :) there's a 10% discount code above it your thinking of purchasing one yourself xx


I love reading all your comments, so keep them coming :) xx

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