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Saturday, 24 May 2014

So Sleek

Just a short little post for you all tonight… Im having a night in as the weather is pants and has been raining allll day, so I thought Id share with you a recent purchase I made a few weeks ago with Sleek!

Sleek POUT POLISH (shade Monte Carlo) - SUPERDRUG- £4.99 

I spotted Sleek Makeup a while back and Ive always been interested in trying it. Their different palettes have amazing colours and just stand out from the others that I have seen. I have yet to use these products, but as soon as I do I shall be back with a post for you and some swatches! They do lots of different products including the above and more with things like pretty blushers and eyeliners etc. I chose the Oh So Special Palette purely because of the neutral colours and their shimmery shades.

Do you own any Sleek Makeup? Which are your favourites?

You can find out more about Sleek Makeup by clicking the following links:

or by visiting

I cannot wait to try this products!



  1. That palette looks gorgeous, hope the rain stopped and you got to enjoy the weekend.

    Meg | Meghan Silva's Blog

  2. ahhh the rain was on and off all weekend but was bare able thanks! The palette is so so nice I cannot wait to use it :)

    Natalie xx


I love reading all your comments, so keep them coming :) xx

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