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Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Get your Skates on!

So the other night one of my friends decided we should go Ice Skating!! I've NEVER been before, & we don't have a rink close by (probably why I've never been) ... Meaning that I've never worn ice skates in my life- this including roller skates

Anyway seen as it was the Christmas season and it seemed fun & exciting I said yes and off we went.
The closest ice rink to us is in Telford, so off we went on our little road trip, music blaring... Having a good song song as you do! It takes about 45 minutes to get there on the motorway from where we live.
When we arrived there admission was £8 for 2 hours, 8-10pm. I think this is quite reasonable considering you are paying to use the ice rink and hire out the ice skates! We went on and I think it was roller disco (not a kids one although children are allowed).. Music was blaring & it was just such a good atmosphere. They have lockers there to store your belongings while you skate, I think it is £2.

Anyway I got my skates on and after several minutes of standing there being a big baby saying "I daren't go on, I can't do it" my friends pulled me on and off we went. It took a couple of very slow laps for me to get used to it, and yes I was grabbing onto the sides for my dear life... But it was just such a good evening, full of laughs with my friends- I'd really recommend it :)

Here's some pictures from the night- sorry they aren't very good quality due to the lighting inside.

Road trip on the motorway at night!
Ice Skates!

Skating on Ice!
Getting to grips with the ice & skates!

Have you ever been ice skating? Do you have any good recommendations for things to do with friends?



  1. Ice skating is so much fun! Hope you had fun.

    <3 Melissa

    1. i did thank you! :) will check your blog now... thanks for leaving the link! x

  2. I love ice skating! Would go every year with my parents!

    Would you like to follow each other?

    1. yes that would be lovely! Il head over to yours now :)


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