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Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Keeping it Plain&Simple...

Cross T-Shirt- Glance, £5
Cardy- BHS, £18
Grey Asymmetric Skirt- Primark, £8

So today is the second day of the new year, and I'm having a little clear out at home. This is todays look- a little messy & plain, but thats reflective on how i feel at the minute!
Time to get back on track with everything- get my room spick and span & everything back in its place, sort out my diary's & plan future events... and so on. Ive had a little play with my blog layout & moved a few bits around to freshen it up, i still feel like its missing something though but I'm unsure what!
Im back at work on Monday so hopefully i can go back with a clear mind knowing theres nothing that i needed to do but haven't!
How are you spending your day today, are you back at work or lucky to still be off for a few more days like me? 



I love reading all your comments, so keep them coming :) xx

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