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Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Lets find a Resolution for 2013!

Ive been excited for today, 1st January 2013 for so long because it just feels and sounds so fresh- a new start to make things better for another year. Ive also been dreading it though because alls you see is "new year, new me" "im going to the gym- i will loose weight" "im never drinking again" ... we all know most resolutions get broken, but it really is like a broken record all the time hearing the same thing because most people break them within the first week- me being one of them in the past!

So this year ive not really set myself any unrealistic resolutions because i dont want to be disapointed when they dont happen. Heres what im thinking instead:

To not spend so much money.
I could easily say "thats it im not buying any clothes now or spending any money" ... of course il spend money, its life you have to spend money to get by. Therefore i am going to not spend as much money as i usually do, and i will be realistic with what im buying, do i really need it? 

To carry on not smoking.
If you have followed my blog from the start you will know i was a smoker and i quit before for 3 months, but then stupidly started again due to stress and due to having no willpower. I have been really poorly recently in the couple of weeks coming up to christmas, and that was the perfect opportunity for me to stop smoking again, so i did... and today makes it 3 weeks. So this resolution is to carry on not smoking- and this way i will be saving money which will help my previous resolution above.

To not eat as much as i do, especially when bored.
Im not going to say "Im joining a gym" and im not going to say "im going on a diet- no more junk food" because it just doesnt work. I probably should go to a gym to get fitter, but that costs money which like above im trying to avoid- so unless i find somewhere with a really good deal, then i will just be sticking to the usual and using games etc to work out. I want to try and cut down on my portion sizes, not cut out food completly. Im going to try and eat more fruit, and i want to eat less junk food, i.e crisps etc. Im not going to say i wont eat any junk food because every one deserves a treat now and again.

To write more blog posts.
I would love for 2013 to be the year my blog reaches its peak, gets more followers and interest- and just hits off in general, therefore i am going to try and blog more than i have been doing, no matter how busy i may be.

To be happy.
I want to be happy, and im hoping 2013 will be full of happiness. Im going to do my best to be happy, and when things get me down i am going to be positive and try to see the better side of it. Im going to make sure i am around people who make me happy, and not people who i know make me sad.

To go on holiday at some point in 2013.
I NEED to go on holiday this year. Ive been saying every year im going and ive still not been because theres always been something holding me back. Well not this year, i am going to go away because i deserve a break. I dont mind if it is abroad or just somewhere out of the county... i will go away and it will be just what i need.

At the minute i think they are the only resolutions i really want to achieve.
Have you decided on some resolutions? Id love to hear what they are :) I hope you all achieve what you want in 2013!


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