On the hunt for makeup once again, I recently discovered the MUA products! Ive heard quite a few people talking about it on blog posts, but as i was doing some shopping i came across it in Superdrug. makeup is getting so expensive these days, so firstly i couldn't believe how amazingly cheap and affordable these products were; and i must admit i did think that there must be some reason why they were so cheap. They all have lovely clear packaging, which i like- you can see the product instead of it being sold by some misleading picture or design. I was spoilt for choice seen as there is a huge range to choose from, but i decided on these...
(Top to Bottom, Left to Right)
Mascara: Shade 5 (Black)
Intense Colour Eyeliner: Jet Black
Eye Shadow: Shade 30
Eye Shadow: Shade 4
Eye Shadow: Shade 3
Eye Shadow: Shade 24
Bronzer: Shade 1
First things first, all of this came to £7, yes thats under £10! Im still unsure as to why all the MUA products are £1, but who can complain when you can stock up on your basics for as little as that!
I decided to get the mascara, simply for a top coat. The brush is quite thin as you can see from the picture below.
For £1 you really can't complain at it... It is perfect for going over your normal mascara just to give it a darker look. I personally wouldn't use this as my normal everyday mascara, but certainly worth a place in your makeup bags!
I also got some eye liner because the one i had previously been using just kept getting smaller and smaller so i thought it was time to buy a new one! I never have any luck with eyeliner; i either buy ones that don't stay on my eyes at all, or they just don't seem to go on! I was so happy when i used this eyeliner, once again for a pound, what a bargain...
I got this in Jet Black as straight away i thought it would give a thick colourful look and it did. It stays on so well and i don't have to keep topping it up every time i look in the mirror! It also comes with a handy sharpener as a lid which is great for when your on the go and haven't got time to faff around trying to find one! I think this has to be my favourite eyeliner at the minute, so for something so cheap; its really amazed me.
The next thing i spotted whilst doing this little shop was all the eye shadows that were available, there was so many different colours to choose from, but i finally made my mind up and narrowed it down to these four; for the moment!

So far i have only used two of these, Shade 4 & Shade 24. The colours are just so bright, and obviously these have hints of glitter in making them so pretty. I wondered whether these would be a little bit messy seen as they were once again £1, but they are such good quality for the money! I wore Shade 24 the other night for a party that i went too, and all night i didn't have to once re-apply my eyeshadow; it stayed on so well. I am defo going to invest in the other colours that are available. The only thing i can say that i dislike about these is that they don't actually come with a shade name, just a number- therefore you just have to go by 'purple eyeshadow' etc, but beggars can't be choosers when it comes to saving money!
Last but not least the bronzer. I haven't actually used this yet and its still in the packaging so i haven't taken a closer picture unfortunately. Im sure there were only 3 shades to choose from in this, in which i had the darkest shade- with it being a bronzer! If the other products are anything to go by, I'm guessing this is just as good as all the others!
All of these products were from my local Superdrug store, but they can also be found
online where there are more shades/tones amiable :)
Have you used any MUA products? Whats your opinion?