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Sunday, 13 May 2012

Sleepy Sundays #1

 Hello my lovely's. As you may know i used to write a regular post on a Wednesday; 'Wandering Wednesdays'.. which basically was a weekly update of what i had been unto. For some reason this fizzled out so here i am on this Sunday evening starting it back up again. 'Sleepy Sundays' is now going to be my regular Sunday post. Im calling it 'Sleepy Sundays' just because i feel like the day goes so slow, and even when your not doing much I always feel sleepy!, so here goes number 1!
 Obviously as you know i had a little break away from blogging.. and now I'm getting back into it. I have so many ideas whizzing round in my head; i just dont know where to start! I have changed the way it looks slightly and put together a new header picture, to give me more inspiration! Recently i took on a new contract at work which basically meant gaining more hours. This is a good thing as it means more money to buy lovely things to blog about... but it also means that because I'm working every hour god sends; I'm finding it hard to blog at regular times, but i will try my best!
 This weekend is the start of my first paid holiday at work, 9 lovely days off! I kick started it by going Manchester on Saturday! I promised myself id behave, have a little look around, grab some dinner etc... and all was going well until the afternoon when i just went mad and had a shopping spree! I didn't do too much damage to my bank balance as i managed to find a few bargains... so look out for my next post which will be a haul of this weekends purchases! Once i came back from Manchester i decided a trip to Frankie & Benny's was needed, so i had some lovely food with the boy!
 Today hasn't really consisted of much, i treated my Claireabella (my car) to a mini valet and replaced her broken rear wiper blade ready for her mot on Thursday! After this i found myself sitting in the cemetery where my Dad is just enjoying the sunshine and the sounds of the birds... so relaxing!
I dont have many plans for this week off that I'm going to enjoy, apart from lots of blogging while i can, a trip to Ikea as I've never been before, and as mentioned my cars mot!
 Anyway thats it for now as I'm going to put the Macbook away and get ready for towie, best thing about Sundays i think  :)

Hope you've all had a fab weekend!



  1. aw, loved this post pud :) looking forward to ikea hotdogs now.

    you & kimmy look adorable!


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