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Thursday, 24 May 2012

It's in her kisssss x

Sooo my lovely's this is just a little post to let you all know I couldn't resist temptation once again!!

Any JLS lovers will know that they have just recently released their brand new fragrance line called 'Kiss'

Today before work I went into my local 'The Perfume Shop' to see it for itself!! And yes I did end up buying some of course, how could I not :)

The packaging is so cool! It is basically a cardboard tube, which each member of the band on the sides with their significant colours.. I was so excited seeing this! I then took it off and the actual box that the perfume comes in is in a white cardboard box with silver writing all over it stating the ingredients etc, obviously in a wrapper. After undoing this I finally got to the bottle and just wow! A white bottle with a magnetic lid! With a diamanté star above the 'JLS' engravment on the front!

The smell is so so nice!; hints of tuberose, orchard flower, musk and amber!

So pleased I brought this, it comes in a 60ml bottle for £19.50.. And you get a free poster :)

Have you all been kissed? :) xxxx

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