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Sunday, 27 May 2012

Sleepy Sundays #2

Okay.. So this isn't actually a dull sleepy post like most Sundays could be... I've actually had a really nice weekend :)

After working all week in this heat till late while most people had chance to get a little tan on the go, I finally got my chance today on my day off!

I had a few glasses of wine last night to get me into the mood for freedom for a day, then today I woke up and as I'd hoped it was still super hot and super sunny :)

I decided to go to Trenthan Monkey Forest for the day. If any of you have never heard of this, basically it is a park where you are surrounded by lovely nature, and monkeys that are free to walk past you at anytime. It's £7.50 for adults, and £5.50 for children over 5 which is quite reasonable, and there's a cafe with outdoor seating, a souvenir shop, and a picnic/play area.

The weather was beautiful and the monkeys were soooo cute.. I even managed to see a few new baby monkeys; adorable!

After here I decided to go and have dinner by the lakeside at Trentham Gardens which is near to the monkey forest which ended my day perfectly.

Anyway I hope you've all had a fab weekend in the sun! Enjoy your week xxxx


  1. love your blog so much! your so talented! i followed <3 do you think you could maybe follow me back? would love my blog to be as good as yours xx

    1. Aaaw thankyou thats so sweet :) Thanks for following, and I've followed you back :) Your blog is great sweetie, lots of inspiration! xx

  2. Heeey :) Been there too, superrrrr cute! I so wish we had a zoo local, I'd be there every week! xx

    1. OMG me too, isn't our local Chester Zoo? Love to go there, only been once that was a few years back! xx


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