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Monday, 7 May 2012

When two become one.. OOTD, 05/05/12.

As you can see this ootd is a little late; my apologies... and apologies for the light in these pictures!! Saturday 5th May was my cousins wedding so with every good wedding comes a party! As per usual the weeks leading up to it were stressful; what to wear, how to have my hair etc! At first i did decide to wear a nice suitable maxi dress but then i thought everyone will be wearing something similar.. so i tried something different!

SKIRT: Primark, £10
BOOBTUBE: Topshop, £8.00
CARDIGAN: Had it ages, can't remember where from!
SHOES: Dorothy Perkins, £45
CROSS NECKLACE: Miss Selfridge, £7.50
(Also wearing Pandora bracelet & Marc Jacobs watch)

Ive got a few of these skirts that i am going to post in hauls at some point, but this one i recently discovered in primark. It comes in two colours, Coral (as seen above) and Green... I'm unsure if there are any more colours as i only saw two! The skirt is shorter at the front and longer at the back, but for some reason doesn't show up on the picture.. maybe because of how i was standing! Being quite a broad-shouldered girl, i hate to wear boob tubes as they make me so self conscious but i decided to grab a carry, put my extensions in, whack on some fake tan and just go for it.. it'd be okay after a few wines!

The skirt is very floaty which came in handy for some of the motown dance moves i was trying to pull off ha ha! Its also quite transparent, but comes with a nice little underskirt so its not too bad! I had so many compliments on my necklace throughout the night... Its a gold plated cross on a long black fabric chain... i love that it hangs so low! I discovered this from a lovely friend who had one in silver and it was a must have! I brought it from in store, but both colours are available online.

Anyway i had a fab night in the end with my lovely family.. you really can't beat family :)



  1. Hi sweetie :) Thought i'd leave you a comment cause you were so lovely to leave me one. Your wearing your necklace, yaaaayy! & you look very beautiful :) The outfit post just isn't working for me tonight, need think of summit quick xx

  2. Heello lovely! Thanks for your comment on my blog :) I love your skirt, you look so pretty!

    Check out my giveaway:


    1. aaaw thanks lovely! Il go have a gander now :) xx

  3. Ooh, I love the colour of your skirt, really pretty!
    Love Charlie xoxo.

    1. Thanks so much sweetie, i love it too its a real summery colour :) xx


I love reading all your comments, so keep them coming :) xx

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