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Friday, 8 July 2011

Beautiful La Belle!

If you all read my blog earlier on in the week about La Belle Jewellery, then you will know what this blog is, if not then please read my blog as you will all love this jewellery.
So today i came home to find a package waiting on the floor for me, and i was filled with excitement. I couldn't open the parcel quick enough as i knew straight away what it was!

And there you have it, my beautiful La Belle Jewellery ring! How gorgeous is it?! Its so so lovely, the design of the ring and the detail is just lovely! I will cherish this ring always now, and i am so so grateful to of won this in one of the competition's. I think every girl should have a La Belle ring, because they are so individual and unique, and lets not forget those stunning Towie girl's are wearing them too! & I've just found out she is making for HollyOaks girls too, including my idol Gemma Merna (Carmel)!

You can contact La Belle Jewellery either by email or on twitter.... 

Which La Belle design will you go for?! xxxxx

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