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Thursday, 28 July 2011

Make do with what you got!

So, as you all know i have decorated my bedroom, again! (& yes i am aware i still need to upload photo's!) ... My furniture: dressing table & drawers are white. This causes me a problem because everyday i am forever wiping away makeup stains! 
I got pretty fed up of doing this as i felt like i shouldn't even use them even though that is what they are for! So i invested in some material!... Well i say material, its more like a plastic adhesive that simply peels back & sticks on. I brought this just from a local household shop, and it cost me £1.99 for a small roll. I only needed one roll as i was only doing the tops of the drawers and dressing table.
Today i decided to start the task, and it was so easy it took me no longer than 30 minutes! After measuring it all up & cutting the right amounts, there i was sticking on some black paper. It is so smooth to touch, and any makeup will wipe away easily and not stain the paint work. 

& here is the final product! It looks almost brand new as in how it would appear in a shop! 
I'm really impressed with it for £1.99. You can also get it in different colour's and styles! .. I had black to match the rest of my black accessories in my room :)

Have you customized any of your furnishings? xxxx


  1. You have just inspired me to get some now and to start decorating my bedside tables and desk :) Would be nice to use on wardrobes do you think? xoxo

  2. yes it'd look lovely on anything as there's so many designs! sorry for the late reply i have had no notifications for this comment and i just saw it as i was browsing down xx


I love reading all your comments, so keep them coming :) xx

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