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Thursday, 4 August 2011

Its that time again...

So lovely's, its that time again when tooth care becomes a pain! It seems things always run out at the same time! It was time for me to purchase a new toothbrush, and i needed some new toothpaste and mouthwash as well! I hate shopping for these products, as i don't think any toothpaste actually does what it is meant to do. 
 After shopping around Tesco for a little while i spotted what i was going to buy.
Every time i need to replace my toothbrush i always end up buying a new type just to see if i can find a really good one. This time i opted for one of Tesco's own brand. It cost £1.99 and is just so cool! Its such a pretty pink colour... the only downside is the shape of it. This toothbrush has a built-in device that tells you when you need to replace your toothbrush; by gradually spelling out 'replace' at the bottom over the weeks. The downside is it actually looks like a pregnancy test from the bottom! But who's to judge as it is only a toothbrush!
Next i found my toothpaste! I had seen adverts about this and i wanted to try it out but couldn't get my hands on it for a while. It is Colgate's new Max White; One. It cost's in between £4-£5. This toothpaste contains ingredients similar to those that a dentist would use when going for a clean up! It states that after using it 3 times a day for a week, your teeth should be one shade whiter. I am putting this to the test and shall let you all know how i get on! (I cannot take pictures of the progress as one i don't think teeth are a pretty image to look at, and two i hate my teeth!
Lastly i found my mouth wash, Listerine total care costing £2. I've never used this product before, but i can safely say it does the job, you can actually feel it stinging once in your mouth, and leaves a lovely fresh breath :)

So that is my new tooth care range for the moment!
What is your tooth care regime? xxxxxxxx

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