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Thursday, 4 August 2011

Semi- Precious x

You have probably all seen these, but seen as i am on a roll with my blogging today i thought i would just let you all know about them...
Primark have had some lovely jewelery in just recently, and i came across these pieces....

Both of the rings were £2.50 each, one is a white stone inside a darkened gold ring, and the other is a silver ring containing a greeny/bluey/ coloured stone.
I also managed to find a bracelet that matched this ring for £1.50/£2.00, with the same coloured precious stone hanging from the bottom.
The earring's were £1.50 and are so pretty when in, they are on a gold dropper style stud, with a light pink precious stone at the end.
The bracelet at the bottom actually matches these earring's, and is so pretty! Its on a small rope type bracelet, and has a bird and dragonfly on it with the pink precious stones. I can't remember if this was £1.50 or £2.00
These are total must haves this season and are selling out quite quickly!

Are you a fan of the semi-precious stones? xxxxxx


  1. I have them dangly earrings gorgeous arent they and i have the middle bracelet with the one stone in. I'm loving these semi precious stones just lately x

  2. they are really nice and look really delicate! You can get a matching long necklace to the earrings from river island with like the dotted chain thats also on the earrings... but im not sure how much it is xx


I love reading all your comments, so keep them coming :) xx

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