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Wednesday, 10 August 2011

OOTD 9/8/11

Hello lovely's! Here is my very first shot at an OOTD! I've never done one of these before, and so i hope you like it... here goes!

Here i totally went for something different! Now that the weather is slowly turning, i find it hard to choose what to wear on a day to day basis, as one day it is rain and the next sunshine! On this specific day i went for a Primark inspirational look as i was in a little rush and couldn't be bothered! (yes this is possible!)
Each thing i am wearing (bar the necklace is in fact from Primark! Usually i wouldn't do this but these clothes can be found in places such as Topshop etc so i was not too fussed!
To start off with here is a list of the prices:
Black top: £1.00
Beige loose holey cardy/waist coat (thingy): £6
Pleated maxi skirt: £12
Tan belt: £1
Precious stone ring: £2.50
Precious stone bracelet: £1.50/£2
Bird's cage necklace: £2 (New Look sale)

 Soo this is my first outfit of the day as i mentioned earlier, what do you all think? Please feel free to let me know if you would like to see more of these... I hope your all well :)

What outfit's do you like to throw together? xxxxx

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