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Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Bits & Bobs xox

As you all know i have been in the process of revamping my room. I think i am almost done (even though i am unsure about my wallpaper!)... but i still keep buying little bits and bobs to make it just that little bit better. 
Here are a few i have purchased recently.

BHS, £4

Here we have a little butterfly dish! I'm not entirely sure what it is for but i loved it! My mum thinks it is for like putting snacks in if you have a garden party, but i had other ideas! I'm using it to place my everyday jewellery/essentials in!
It looks so pretty just sat there on my dressing table, and such a great bargin! I have however seen some of these in a shop called B&M for like 40p, so i am a little disappointed!

Next off i purchased this lovely little piece to compliment my light pull/cord
B&M, £1.49
This is such a little cute accessory! My old light pull/cord was plain and boring and simple! This has truely vamped it up!

Here we have my new clock! Now i am never usually a fan of clocks as i cannot stand that ticking sound! But i couldn't help myself with this little beauty!
B&M, £6.99
Is is a standard clock but just more funky! It has 12 different photo frames, 1 places on the hour, and you can pop your own photo's inside! How cool! Im yet to put my own pictures in but i will do it soon!

& last but not least storage. My dressing table has a shelf underneath the draw, and no matter how many ways i arrange my bottles it still always looked a mess, but fear no more... i now have a solution!

These are fab! I love the colours! Before i had those cardboard storage boxes that had patterns on and they just fastened together, but these are so much better!
B&M, £1.99 each
I ended up buying 4 of these, two for the top and two for the bottom. You can get them in different colour's and styles, but this pink zebra print caught my eye!

They are also quite spacious inside. I now have one for body care products, one for hair care products, and the other two i have not sorted out yet. Now my dressing table looks more more tidier and funkier!

Have you seen any bargain buys around lately?! xxxxxx

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