As you all know my lovely friend Olivia and her boyfriend have their own jewelery range out at the moment. (click here to see some of their fabulous stock!) I have blogged about my first purchase with them which you can all see here if you haven't already.
I noticed that she had a similar but new design out to the bracelet that i had previously brought, so as you do i couldn't resist!...

The picture on the left is the bracelet that i ordered, and the cute little pouch that i received it in, isn't she lovely! On the right you may be wondering why i have a picture of three bracelet's and not two... well that's because the middle one was a little freebie :p
The bracelet on the right of the right side picture is my first purchase from The Vintage Cave, which has two dangley love hearts at the side. The one that i ordered which is on the left of the right picture has smaller beads, and just one dangley heart at the bottom. As you can see they are both merged colour's with blue and pink, i LOVE them! They also both cost £5.
The bracelet that is in the middle on the right picture is so cute and I'm really chuffed that i was lucky to have it as an 'extra' :) It has a metallic (light) shade of purple as the colour for the beads, and has two silver bars with a light blue love heart type stone, it is perfect for in between my other two bracelet's!
I really recommend you to go and have a look at the other bracelet's that they make, and necklace's too as they are so lovely and are really good for the money!
Have you purchased any items from The Vintage Cave? xxxxxx
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