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Tuesday, 30 August 2011

OOTD 30/08/11

             Hello again you beautiful people :)
I thought i would do a quick OOTD post for you all!
I haven't been well for the past 5 days, but today i am feeling slightly better and have braved getting ready. It's only a quick outfit that i chucked on as i cant really be bothered, so i've kept it quite simple!

Cardy: Dotty P's, approx £28
Top: BHS, £15
Leggings: Primark, £2
Belt: Dotty P's, £6

Please ignore my horrible hair! I'm currently going through a waiting process before i have it done as i last had it dyed at the end of June, and i am waiting another 4 weeks, just to try and get some condition back in it!
As i mentioned i just shoved this outfit on but i thought i would share it all with you!
I haven't got any jewellery on today as i just wanted to feel a little bit comfy!
I'm really sad that we have had no summer, but at the same time i cant wait for winter to come which i think is just around the corner... so get out your chunky knits and cardy's... heaven :)

What are your most casual outfits? xxxxxx


  1. I love this outfit especially the cardigan looks so cosey x

  2. It is cosy, just not very warm I'm afraid! x


I love reading all your comments, so keep them coming :) xx

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