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Thursday, 4 August 2011

Those little things...

It seems that i cannot stop buying little decorative things for my bedroom! I had a trip to Matalan the other night and there is so many beautiful items for the home, i just want them all!
Anyway i just wanted to share with you some of the purchases i got as i love them & i hope you all do too!
First off i brought these gorgeous pillows to add to my bed! They were £8 each, a bit pricey i know but they just look and feel amazing. The feel is silky, and as you can see they are a fushia pink, with a large diamante stone in the middle, fab or what!

& there we have it, my pretty pillows! <3 

Next i spotted this lovely little object in the clearance area... This was £2.50! Can you believe it?! It started off at £10, then was reduced to £5, and then obviously £2.50! Its a hanging lantern as you can see, once again in a pinky colour! It also has a gorgeous tassel that hangs down in white!

I then just nipped to Asda for some new candles as i had run out, and i ended up with these little smelly's....

 The one on the left was £1.50 i think and has a pomegranate smell, i ended up having two, and then the one in the right is a pack of 3 vanilla candles for £1 (The candle holder is my own in which i have 3 of these)

I love buying little things every now and again to make it feel all homely... 
What do you like to buy for your room? xxxx


I love reading all your comments, so keep them coming :) xx

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