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Friday, 8 July 2011

Funky Sleeves!

Whilst i am on a roll with my blogging today, I just wanted to do a quick blog on something i brought from Primark last week.
Being a former English student at university, i have spent a lot of my time sitting on my laptop... and what happens to it at the end, i just shove it somewhere in my room! We all know how expensive these things are, but do we ever really value them & look after them?
Following a short trip in Primark i spotted this fab laptop sleeve, and it was just £2 in the sale, yes £2!! 

It is in a gorgeous leopard print, and you just pop your laptop inside & zip it back up!It keeps it clean and free of dust, and looks really pretty instead of just seeing a boring laptop lying around!
I'm not sure how long they will have these for as they were selling out quite quickly seen as they were in the sale.

How do you protect your laptop? xxxxx

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