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Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Pink Blush


I have always been a fan of pink lipstick or lipgloss. Recently i decided to go on search for a new one, as i stoped being a fan of the cheap crappy one i had been using. I discovered Rimmel's lipstick and was just amazed. I not only found a perfect shade of pink, but i also found a lipstick that has some sort of smoothing mouisturiser in it, and the smell is just gorgeous!
The shade is 'Pink Blush' & it is number 006. It is a 'lasting finish lipstick' & retails at £4.99 from Superdrug. I have done a swatch test to show you the actual shade. The lipstick stays on for quite a long time, and does not wear off leaving patches, it is an even use-age. I would recommend this to anyone who loves their lipstick. It has such a lovely smell of like a coco-buttery hint. 
I apologise for the presentation of this blog entry, for some reason my text and pictures would just not go properly!
Will you be using Rimmel lipstick anytime soon? xxxxxx


  1. this is one of my all time favourite lipsticks!! xx

  2. Im so jealous of how pink lippies really suit you even really bright ones x

  3. aaaw thanks lovely! i dont know if this is just me being weird but im sure my lips have now gone a darker shade as i dont like wearing it too much :( xx


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