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Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Oh La Belle!

So recently i discovered La Belle Jewelery on Twitter & i was just amazed at the detail of the products that is made! La Belle is 'handmand & customised fabulous statement jewellery for all occasions' This lady makes rings and other jewellery for the girls of TOWIE (Only Way is Essex).
Above is a picture of just one of the amazing rings that are handmade, just look at all that detail! Absolutely stunning! I started to follow her on Twitter, and realised she does competition giveaways! I have never ever had any luck at all with competitions, but i decided to try my luck & give it ago! Once she had reached so many followers she decided to do a competiton where you had to tweet a reason why you wanted to win a ring! So here is my answer: 'i want a  ring because every time it shines it would remind me of what a star my Dad is who i recently lost <3' .... & before i knew it i had found out i had won! I was & i am SO happy!! It just shows that if you do try you are in with a chance of winning! I am currently awaiting my ring to be posted, & as soon as i receive it i will take lots of pictures and write a new blog!
If anyone is interested in ordering you can contact this lovely lady on Twitter on:
Will you be trying La Belle Jewelery? xxxxxx

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