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Monday, 31 October 2011

Room Makeover, again!

So I've been crazy and decorated my room AGAIN! This is the third time within one year that i have done it, it has been black/silver/plum, black/silver/white, and then pink/silver/white... I must be mad, although i must admit i do love it so much more now, its nice and fresh and natural... calm room; calm mind! I thought id just post a couple of pictures for you all... Some of the pictures are from when it wasn't completely finished so on the wall paper you may see bits over hanging at the top... they are not there no more as obviously i trimmed them off :)

I decided to go with the scheme colours cream/gold/magnolia/white ... Just for a little vintage look. My wallpaper is the same as my recent pink and silver one, just in cream and gold. £7.99 per roll, Wilkinsons.

 This little lantern is what i had from Matalan a while ago, so instead of buying new i decided to paint it magnolia :)

Here i have a white wicker heart, £3- Wilkinsons.

Opposite this you can see my black lantern; this had pink flowers so i also painted these magnolia!

This is my new light, a cream chandiller... i love it so much, the pictures don't do it justice at all. £7.99, B&M

 This was originally a bookcase, it was white so i painted it magnolia but left the shelves white. Then i used some of my left over wallpaper and put it along the back.

 Here you can see my light switch, its a bit of a bodge job but i just tried to be creative and use the wallpaper for the pattern effect. You can also see my white wall, and i painted the dado Magnolia.
And lastly this is the only pillow i have on my bed at the minute, sobs :( None of my other pillows now go, so i only have this one as i need to buy new, and also i need to buy new bedding! £4, Primark

It didn't cost me that much to change the colour scheme of my room, so it just shows that you don't have to spend a lot to get your room how you want it. I shall update you all when its properly finished :) xxxx

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

JLS Radio Tour... Stoke!!

Yes thats right, JLS actually came to Stoke-on-Trent today!! Its that time of year again where they have released their tour details... tickets have been brought, and so next up was their Radio Tour! I couldn't believe it when i saw on their website that they were actually coming to our local radio station, Signal One (102.6fm) ... They arrived at 3pm, & after being stuck at home i got whisked down to the radio station to go and see! We stood around for a little bit with the crowd singing 'She makes me wanna oh oh oh oh oh ohhhh' ... Such good fun!! Then at 4.30pm the boys came out the play and oh what a pretty sight it was :D I was soooo happy! I love JLS so much, and i don't care that I'm almost 23, they're my guilty pleasure, i love them & their music!

Anyway i did a lot of screaming at Marvin cause he's my fav, but he was too busy with signing hats and t shirts for fans, so I managed to get Aston to give me his autograph!! I got lots of pictures... so here are a few of them:

So there we have it!! My two fav boys!! Didn't manage to get pics of the other two unfortunately but I'm still smiling!! Cant wait till March 2012 now as I'm going to see them in Manchester for their new tour! Eeeeeks xxxxxxxxxx

#4 WanderingWednesday..

First of all i would like to apologise for not blogging since last week... From Thursday through to Saturday i was poorly and just did not feel up to it at all, but fear not i am back! :) I went back to work on Saturday, and i also worked Sunday. Sunday night came and i sat thinking about things, and once again i thought of crazy things... I decided i wanted to decorate my room, AGAIN! If you've seen my recent posts you will know i am always changing my room, and i love buying new things for it. Since last October (10) when my Dad passed away, i decorated my room black/silver/plum... I then decided this was to dark so i changed the plum to white... Then i decided it did not go, so i changed my black and silver to silver and pink, then obviously i hate white walls... Now i have gone a different way altogether & decided to make my room a lot more vintage! Im going to do a post on my room makeover, so I'm not going to go into too much detail about it in this post!
On Monday i went & got my wallpaper, and Monday night consisted of stripping the wallpaper that was up, & then pasting my new one on! On Tuesday i decided to do a bit of DIY, and saved myself a lot of money. Instead of buying new furnishings for my room to match the decor, i instead painted the ones i already had!
Today is Wednesday & I'm currently babysitting... Im not too sure how long for but i suspect it will be until tonight, so i haven't really got much planned... So i will defo be writing up my new room post for you all! Im very gutted to be honest today... For those of you that don't know, i am obsessed with JLS, and they are at our local radio station today at 3pm doing their radio tour, but i can't go with me baby sitting .... SUCKS!! The only thing keeping me happy is that i know i will be seeing them again in March for their actual tour :D ... This actually changed, i managed to see them!!! Eeeeks! I have lots of photo's, so il also do a post on that too :)
I don't really have any plans for tomorrow, I'm supposed to be seeing a friend i haven't seen for a while; but whether i will or not i do not know!
As for Friday I'm back to work, and I'm working all weekend once again... I really need to find myself a job that is Monday-Friday as i hate being off work whist everyone else is still at work!

Hoping you all have a good weekend!
With Love xxxx

Friday, 21 October 2011

MacBook Pro ... Heaven!

This is just a small post as I've finally got chance to show you a few pictures of my MacBook Pro that i had last month!
Im still getting used to it... i still don't know how to do certain things but i am slowly getting there!

This is my little piece of heaven! I love it so so much, and i would never ever go back to a normal laptop after using this. I don't have an iPhone so this MacBook Pro is the first thing I've actually had to experience how Apple works, and I'm just amazed; its so clever!

This is what i use for my blogging :) What do you use? xxxx

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

#3 WanderingWednesday..

So its that time already, Wednesday! Although i do feel like this week is going rather slow! Hi to my new followers, how lovely of you to join me <3
Anyway i think this post may be quite short as to be honest i haven't really done anything! Last weekend i had my hair cut (My new hair do is shown in the picture to the side, short i know!! I also blogged about changes here ) and i worked as you will know if you are keeping up with the Wandering Wednesday posts (You can find #1 here and #2 here... ) Monday and Tuesday have been quite difficult days for me this week as it was a year to the day on Monday and to the date on Tuesday since my lovely Dad passed away. Yesterday i took some beautiful flowers to the cemetery, and at night i lit a lantern and sent it up in to the air in memory of him! Following this at about 10pm once my mum had got in to bed i was on a mission. Its her birthday today, she's 65 bless her! So i thought while she was in bed last night i would surprise her... I covered the living room in happy birthday banners and blew up so many balloons and dotted them around! Then i did the same in the kitchen, and put a nice happy birthday table cloth onto the table, and put her birthday cake and candles, and some personalised gingerbread men in the middle! Then off to bed i went, and i woke up real early this morning to go down stairs to see what she thought and she loved it! Mission make mum smile, complete! Il pop a few pictures of it at the bottom of this post when i get chance. Then this morning i had to go and collect her bouquet of flowers that i had ordered last week and they were so so pretty, she loved these also, along with the other presents i brought her! Tonight i am taking her out for her tea :)
As you can see from this the first half of my week has been very family orientated! But tomorrow back to work i go, and il be at work until Sunday afternoon! So in terms of any events or will i be doing anything good, no i won't unfortunately!

There we have it, my week and weekend ahead in a tiny paragraph :) Sorry its only small its just I'm in quite a rush today but i didn't want to not post this as obviously Wednesday is my regular post day. Hope your all well...

With Love xxxx

(a few pics of Mums birthday x)

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

1 year today Daddy, rip my angel x

So today it is a year by date since my Dad passed away, yesterday by the day. He died of bone & lung cancer; such a horrible illness and even worse to see taking over someones body. A year has gone by and i can say nothing has really changed. It still hurts so much, and i still miss him more than ever. Sometimes i still think he is going to walk through the door with his big smile. Life doesn't seem the same now that he's not around, i don't think it ever will as i learn to live with it because he's my Dad, and he's not here now from me being the age of 22... the rest of my life will always seem incomplete.
Anyway i just wanted to write this little post in remembrance of him, and post a few pictures...

Im going to take some flowers to the cemetery for him later on (pictured below with the red ribbon), and I'm also going to be lighting a sky lantern and sending it up later on tonight <3.

Will love you always Dad, and forever!
Rip, 14/11/1942-18/10/2010 <3

Monday, 17 October 2011

Whats in my makeup bag...

So, i recently did a 'whats in my bag' post which you can find here if you haven't already seen it. It was quite a big hit in terms of the amount of people who read the post, so i thought why not do a 'whats in my makeup bag' post for you all!
Now i have 3 different makeup bags, and i use bits and bobs out of all of them its just i like to keep my makeup together in terms of newness and oldness. I also have a little metal vanity box full of makeup, but for this post I'm just going to show you the makeup i use on a day to day basis... all the others i will leave for a makeup collection post. Im terrible when it comes to makeup bags as i am always buying them... theres some real pretty ones out there! But for the time being this is the one I'm currently using...
This makeup bag was from Superdrug, i think it was like £3.99? something like that! Its really cute, and obviously pink! Now onto whats inside...

As mentioned above, this is just my day to day makeup; i apologise for them being a tad dirty, my makeup bag needs a good clean! All the things here are just basis makeup.

  • Sigma makeup brush; I won this of a blog competition... you can find my review and where to be it here
  • Avon Bronzing Pearls, a must have! Im not sure of the accurate price for these as mine last me quite a while, maybe £8 something? 
  • Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer (Medium 3), perfect for blemishes! I had this from Tesco for about £3.50
  • L'Oreal Paris Infallible Lasting Perfection Foundation (Golden Beige, 140), Superdrug £12.99... You can find my review here and here
  • Barry M Intense Black Mascara, 3 in 1, £6.19... You can find my love for Barry M here and here AND here
  • Collection 2000 Collagen Curl Mascara... I picked this up from Tesco in the sale for £1!
  • Elf Liquid eyeliner, £1.50. You can find more of Elf  here
  • Barry M Kohl Pencil... I had this free from a  voucher that was in one of the magazines a while back!.
  • Rimmel London, Pink Rose Blusher, Boots £3.99.
  • Rimmel London, Pink blush (006) Lipstick... £4.99 from Superdrug... Find my review here.

And so thats everything! Im always changing my lipstick but for the moment the one above is what i am currently using... For eyeshadow i just pick a different colour each day dependant on what i am wearing from this...
Elf Eye Pallette, 32pc- Bright, £6.99

So thats everything that i use on a day to day basis!
Im always looking for new makeup so if you have any fab newbies and you recommend them please let me know!

What are you makeup basics? xxxxxxxxxx


Hello lovely's! Ive had a little spruce up of my bed so i thought id share it with you all....

Im obsessed with buying new bedding and pillows, they just look so pretty; even if they are a pain when it comes to taking them all off at night time!
Here i just have basic bedding; plain black, with pink under sheet.

My pink & purple throw over is from Primark which was £5.
The two pink satin pillows at the front are from Matalan, £8 each
I can't remember where i had the purple sequin, and purple & pink pillows from as i originally had them!

How do you like to make your bed? xxxxx

Friday, 14 October 2011

Everything changes but you...

First of all, this is my 59th post!! WOW! :) ...So anyway just recently i have not been very happy at all. I have been feeling quite insecure and, well i just don't know, like horrible! Ive decided that the way i am at the moment has to change so that hopefully it will change how i feel.

First off i am proposing to start healthy eating again as of the Monday coming. This is something i always struggle with because I've had an eating problem since i was little, and now alls i tend to eat is chicken, or chips, or toast etc... so its quite tough for me to become healthy when i don't like many foods! I don't feel fat fat, so its not as if I'm saying I'm going to diet, i am simply going to start healthy eating to just loose a few pounds to make me feel like i am achieving something.
I suppose to go with this will be exercise, yep that one dreaded thing that we all hate (well some of us!) I really want to start running or jogging, but i daren't do it alone as i fear i will look a bit sad, even though lots of people do it.. its just i have a fear of judgement. Im going to come up with an exercise plan so that i exercise at least 3 days a week, as also my job means walking around quite a lot... With exercise and healthy eating i should be on a nice little track there, a balanced lifestyle!
My next mission is my teeth! I drink quite a lot of tea, therefore its hard to have the 'perfect smile' with white teeth. Ive been trying a lot of different toothpaste's just recently, but to be honest i don't think any of them work! If any of you know a good one then please let me know as i really want nice white teeth. Also sometimes due to working late and being tired, or just forgetting... i sometimes can't manage the whole 'brush your teeth twice a day' routine, but i am pledging to get back onto this, and i have done so for the past 5 days!
Onto my hair, as you will of noticed from my last blog post on the velcro rollers, i am on a journey to change my hair! I have had a really good cut today, about 4 inches cut off. My hair has been ruined from dying it a lot so I've calmed down on the hair dye. Also i had a lot of short snappy layers cut into it, which i now regret as i want my hair to be one length, so having a big cut this morning means that most of these layers are now gone! I don't really like short hair on me as i think it makes my face look fat but for now until it grows i will just put it up... which is another reason why i had a lot cut off it; to help it grow again as i would love love love for it to be long! I will maybe blog my new hair cut in a couple of days once I'm a bit more comfortable with it :)
I also need to start saving money, as i fear i spend more than i actually earn, which is never a good thing, especially when you've just finished university and are still only in a part time job as its so hard now to find decent jobs!

Anyway this is what i aim to do, I'm going to write up some proper food and exercise plans... Im not too sure when as Monday & Tuesday are quite bad days for me the up coming week...
Also if any of you have any tips or suggestions with toning your body, especially your sides!! Then please please let me know, and i could do with all the encouragement i can get :)

Lots of love xxxx

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Retro with the Velcro!

Hi guys! So I'm quite obsessed at the moment with S Walker Makeup ... This is a lovely girl called Sarah who blogs and does video tutorials via youtube. Iv never actually spoken to her but she seems lovely and is very pretty!

Anyway i was browsing her blog yesterday and saw her Hair Tutorial: Velcro Rollers ... I have loads of velcro rollers; big ones, little ones... you name it i have them! i used to experiment with these a few years back but to be honest i completely forgot i had them until i saw this post! I decided to get mine out and follow her tutorial! Heres a few pictures for you all... Please ignore my HUGE forehead, its one of my insecurity's but obviously i cannot make it smaller....

 After about 25 minutes the above is the result i got. Now if you go onto her blog and check out this fab tutorial, you will see Sarah's hair looks so so so much better! Mine did not take very well at all but thats partly due to my curling irons being old, and the fact that my hair is shorter with lots of layers which i hate! The only thing it did to my hair was make it really thick and volumised, with tiny waves!
I am having my hair cut on Friday, I'm going to have quite a bit cut off so that it can all be one length and to help it to grow, so once it has grown again i am defo going to be trying this and many more of her featured styles out!

How do you like to do your hair? xxxxxxx

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

#2 WanderingWednesday..

Hey there.. I apologise for the picture, i don't look my best here! So this is my second 'Wandering Wednesday' post! I hope your all okay! As you know i recently created a post specifically for a blog sale (you can find this here). It was my first every blog sale, and I'm surprised at how many people have actually viewed it, i think it was like 61 people last time i checked! That is the highest amount of views i have had on any of my posts so far i think so id just like to say thank you.. although i am a tad disappointed as 61 people have looked at it but nobody has brought anything :( Ahhh well il keep trying!

Anyway this weekend just gone I've not really been unto much! I worked Friday night, & Saturday and Sunday morning; it didn't leave much room for any fun! However the weather has also been shocking, rain rain rain and more rain! What is this weather, i hate rain!
After work on Saturday i treated myself to two new tops; i shall blog those another day! I usually like to have some yummy food over the weekend, especially if i have not been anywhere because of work, but this weekend i didn't :S ... first for everything! So instead last night i decided to cook up a full roast dinner! It was delicious :)

Also, if any of you are Blackberry users, how annoying are the phones right now!! Today is the third day of not being able to use it properly! My BBM doesn't work, FB or Twitter.... Emails don't work, its just not on!! Im not too bothered about BBM or FB, but it is just principle that we are paying for these services and nothing is being done about it! Its very strange to revert back to SMS, but it feels nice at the time... almost sentimental, seen as social media has changed the way we all communicate now!

Its safe to say that since my last 'Wandering Wednesday' post alls I've done is worked & stayed at home and watched tele, pretty boring if you ask me! Im off work all week now until Saturday night when i work 6-12pm putting the second half of christmas shop in again... I just hope my wrist can take all the heavy lifting! Im unsure if i have anything planned for the Sunday as i am not working because of working till midnight on Saturday.. sooo i shall just have to see!

I think for the rest of today i may write up some posts and get them scheduled so that i am ahead again. I would tidy my room but theres not a thing out of place so i can't do that, and i tidied my wardrobe out the other day so thats done too. I never know what to do these days now when I'm not at work... growing up isn't as fun as it is to be young lol. It is my mums birthday next week, so i do need to start to think about presents. Ive already ordered her a big bouquet of flowers, i just never know what to buy! I think today I'm also going to change how my blog looks... so let me know what you think :)

Anyway this is my weekly post... I shall blog the next #3 WanderingWednesday.. next Wednesday! Be sure to look out for my other posts that i will be doing, and don't forget pleeeease keep checking my blog sale; id love it if i could make my first sale from my blog!

With love xxxxx

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