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Monday, 17 October 2011

Whats in my makeup bag...

So, i recently did a 'whats in my bag' post which you can find here if you haven't already seen it. It was quite a big hit in terms of the amount of people who read the post, so i thought why not do a 'whats in my makeup bag' post for you all!
Now i have 3 different makeup bags, and i use bits and bobs out of all of them its just i like to keep my makeup together in terms of newness and oldness. I also have a little metal vanity box full of makeup, but for this post I'm just going to show you the makeup i use on a day to day basis... all the others i will leave for a makeup collection post. Im terrible when it comes to makeup bags as i am always buying them... theres some real pretty ones out there! But for the time being this is the one I'm currently using...
This makeup bag was from Superdrug, i think it was like £3.99? something like that! Its really cute, and obviously pink! Now onto whats inside...

As mentioned above, this is just my day to day makeup; i apologise for them being a tad dirty, my makeup bag needs a good clean! All the things here are just basis makeup.

  • Sigma makeup brush; I won this of a blog competition... you can find my review and where to be it here
  • Avon Bronzing Pearls, a must have! Im not sure of the accurate price for these as mine last me quite a while, maybe £8 something? 
  • Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer (Medium 3), perfect for blemishes! I had this from Tesco for about £3.50
  • L'Oreal Paris Infallible Lasting Perfection Foundation (Golden Beige, 140), Superdrug £12.99... You can find my review here and here
  • Barry M Intense Black Mascara, 3 in 1, £6.19... You can find my love for Barry M here and here AND here
  • Collection 2000 Collagen Curl Mascara... I picked this up from Tesco in the sale for £1!
  • Elf Liquid eyeliner, £1.50. You can find more of Elf  here
  • Barry M Kohl Pencil... I had this free from a  voucher that was in one of the magazines a while back!.
  • Rimmel London, Pink Rose Blusher, Boots £3.99.
  • Rimmel London, Pink blush (006) Lipstick... £4.99 from Superdrug... Find my review here.

And so thats everything! Im always changing my lipstick but for the moment the one above is what i am currently using... For eyeshadow i just pick a different colour each day dependant on what i am wearing from this...
Elf Eye Pallette, 32pc- Bright, £6.99

So thats everything that i use on a day to day basis!
Im always looking for new makeup so if you have any fab newbies and you recommend them please let me know!

What are you makeup basics? xxxxxxxxxx

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