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Tuesday, 18 October 2011

1 year today Daddy, rip my angel x

So today it is a year by date since my Dad passed away, yesterday by the day. He died of bone & lung cancer; such a horrible illness and even worse to see taking over someones body. A year has gone by and i can say nothing has really changed. It still hurts so much, and i still miss him more than ever. Sometimes i still think he is going to walk through the door with his big smile. Life doesn't seem the same now that he's not around, i don't think it ever will as i learn to live with it because he's my Dad, and he's not here now from me being the age of 22... the rest of my life will always seem incomplete.
Anyway i just wanted to write this little post in remembrance of him, and post a few pictures...

Im going to take some flowers to the cemetery for him later on (pictured below with the red ribbon), and I'm also going to be lighting a sky lantern and sending it up later on tonight <3.

Will love you always Dad, and forever!
Rip, 14/11/1942-18/10/2010 <3


  1. im sure your dad is looking down on you and is so proud of you right now:)xx
    rip x


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