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Wednesday, 19 October 2011

#3 WanderingWednesday..

So its that time already, Wednesday! Although i do feel like this week is going rather slow! Hi to my new followers, how lovely of you to join me <3
Anyway i think this post may be quite short as to be honest i haven't really done anything! Last weekend i had my hair cut (My new hair do is shown in the picture to the side, short i know!! I also blogged about changes here ) and i worked as you will know if you are keeping up with the Wandering Wednesday posts (You can find #1 here and #2 here... ) Monday and Tuesday have been quite difficult days for me this week as it was a year to the day on Monday and to the date on Tuesday since my lovely Dad passed away. Yesterday i took some beautiful flowers to the cemetery, and at night i lit a lantern and sent it up in to the air in memory of him! Following this at about 10pm once my mum had got in to bed i was on a mission. Its her birthday today, she's 65 bless her! So i thought while she was in bed last night i would surprise her... I covered the living room in happy birthday banners and blew up so many balloons and dotted them around! Then i did the same in the kitchen, and put a nice happy birthday table cloth onto the table, and put her birthday cake and candles, and some personalised gingerbread men in the middle! Then off to bed i went, and i woke up real early this morning to go down stairs to see what she thought and she loved it! Mission make mum smile, complete! Il pop a few pictures of it at the bottom of this post when i get chance. Then this morning i had to go and collect her bouquet of flowers that i had ordered last week and they were so so pretty, she loved these also, along with the other presents i brought her! Tonight i am taking her out for her tea :)
As you can see from this the first half of my week has been very family orientated! But tomorrow back to work i go, and il be at work until Sunday afternoon! So in terms of any events or will i be doing anything good, no i won't unfortunately!

There we have it, my week and weekend ahead in a tiny paragraph :) Sorry its only small its just I'm in quite a rush today but i didn't want to not post this as obviously Wednesday is my regular post day. Hope your all well...

With Love xxxx

(a few pics of Mums birthday x)

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